The misconduct of band members Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde and the negative impact they continue to cause for Carry The Kettle First Nation.

We, the members of Carry The Kettle First Nation, hereby sign this petition as a response to all the negative comments, posts, threats, social media slander that have been caused by ex-councillors Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde.

We do not recognize Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde as councillors, nor do we condone the behaviours and acts that they have conducted while misrepresenting themselves as Councillors.

Carry The Kettle First Nation has a custom Election Act that governs our leadership; our law that we must abide by, our law that our people voted upon, our law that each elected official signed an Oath to uphold.  Section 19 of the Cega-Kin Nakoda Oyate Custom Election Act outlines what warrants an elected official to be removed from office, and Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde have been respectfully removed because of the choices they made while being Councillors.

Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde have made huge negative impacts with not only our membership, but with our business partners, Indigenous Services Canada, and Canada itself, by sending mass emails, posting slanderous comments, harassing staff members, interfering with administration, among all other things.

We, members of Carry The Kettle First Nation, believe that Chief Scott Eashappie, Councillors Shaun Spencer and Tamara Thomson, are acting in the best interest of the nation, as the nation continues to flourish despite all the negativity that is created by Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde.

We, the members of Carry The Kettle First Nation, see that we are amongst the named in their bid for what they call justice.  As such, we do not, and will not, stand by and let Joellen Haywahe and Terrina Bellegarde represent Carry The Kettle First Nation at any capacity.



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