Ukudilizwa Kwekhansela laseWard 31

If you are in support of ukudilizwa kweKhansela laseWard 31 ngenxa yalezi izizathu:

Akawuhloniphi umphakathi kanye nezimfuno zawo.

Akafuni ukubambisana nomphakathi.

Akakulungele ukuhola umphakathi kwazise uhlezi ekhala ngokungaphatheki makumele ahlanganyele kunye nomphakathi ukuxazulula izinkinga zawo.

Akezi kumameeting noma ecelwa ngokukhethelekile okwenza kube nzima ukuxhumana naye ngoba nemihlangano akayibizi ngokwakhe kanti nasocingweni kunzima ukumthola.

Akazigcini izethembiso azenzayo emphakathini okukhomba ukungawuhloniphi umphakathi.

Akukho oguquko aseze nalo ukukhombisa ukuzama ukulwela intuthuko yomphakathi njengalokhu ayethembisile.

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