Who is responsible? 1465 missing unaccompanied immigrant children.


Mr. Stefan Löfven


Prime Minister of Sweden


Dear Sir


Petition: 1465 missing unaccompanied immigrant children must be recovered

                and the responsible Swedish officials must be brought to justice.


Swedish:1465 försvunna ensamkommande barn, statliga vårdnadshavare bör åtalas



I would like to draw your kind attention to the heinous crime against venerable immigrant children in Sweden. I am sure that you are already aware of it, but there was no action taken against the culprits and no one has been arrested.


On Friday, February 6th the two boys who were brutally attacked and tortured by a security guards at the main station in Malmö where one security guard sits over the boy and pounds his face on the ground.


Swedish Police first went out in the media that they are not going to investigate the case, and said that it's OK to use this level of
violence. After public pressure, they have halfheartedly started an investigation. 


The Friday, February 6th child victimisation incident by the police unurthed the biggest hidden systematic crime of Swedish Immigrant Authorities by exposing that 1465 unacompanied minor imigrant children were trafficked from the immigration camps of Malmö or other places during the last 5 year's. Today no one knows about their whereabouts & Swedish immigrant authorities are not ready to disclose how 1465 immigrant Children disappeared from their protected camps and why this heinous crime was kept secret from public, police and the courts over the years? Please see Aftonbladet.


Recently UN raises concerns about children’s rights in Sweden, the report notes that child abuse is on the rise in Sweden for failing to comply fully with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The treatment of immigrant children living in Sweden, juvenile prisoners, underage minorities and asylum seekers was cause for concern. The report says the state isn’t doing enough to help children from disadvantaged families, who are at an increased risk of discrimination and bullying, UN report Published February 06, 2015

Report also says that “Certain groups of children continue to face discrimination, in particular children from disadvantaged and marginalized families as well as children of migrant families, including African and Afro-Swede children,” the report reads.


Criticizing a revision to Sweden’s Anti-Discrimination Act, the report laments the deletion of the word “race” from the language of the law, saying that this leaves no legal provision criminalizing the promotion of racial hatred.


The report also mentions that minority children, including Roma and Jews & Muslims, are frequent targets of bullying. The Committee suggests the state undertake “awareness raising programs” to eliminate all forms of discrimination.


All children are one they should be treated equally!



Appeal to Prime Minister of Sweden:


Where are they? 


The missing children issue is the biggest global skandal of to day.


  • The disappearance or trafficking of 1465 or more unacompanied immigrant Children from the immigration camps of Malmö and other places is alarming. To day this is the biggest world's scandal. Prompt action should be taken to open an investigation by the high ranking European Union’s child trafficking experts police officers. We are afraid that these missing immigrant Children are in the clutches of child sex abusers or in the hands of child sex slave’s networks mafia or worse.
  • BLLF Global & Global March Appeal that you personally intervene and form a High Profiled Committee to investigate the brutall attack on the nine year old child by the security guards at the main station in Malmö. The security guard sits over the boy and pounds his face on the ground on Friday, February 6th 2015
  • The the victimised child should be medically examined by the Board of Medical Doctors.In the respect of children you personally meet the victimised child and his friend.
  • The victimised children should be given into the safe hands, or to a reliable institution.



Ehssan Ullah Khan




1 465 försvunna barn på fem år

De senaster fem åren har 1 465 ensamkommande flyktingbarn försvunnit enligt siffror Migrationsverket tagit fram åt Aftonbladet.

De två pojkarna som brutalt togs omhand av ordningsvakter på Malmö Centralstation i fredags var nio och tolv år gamla och hade båda kommit som flyktingar till Sverige, ensamma, utan sina föräldrar eller någon annan familjemedlem.



Ehssan Ullah Khan

National Coordinator

Global March  http://www.globalmarch.org/




Swedish Immigration Authorities criminally neglect the trafficking of unaccompanied immigrant children since a decade.

According to the report ”De förlorade barnen”( The lost children) written by Jens Mikkelsen & Katia Wagner 2013 says that between 2007 and 2012, one thousand two hundred and two (1,202) young refugees from 57 countries disappeared from Swedish Immigrant official Camps out of them 783 were never found, among of them 150 were Afghan children.

The report also mentioned that 101 girls went missing from different countries and no one knows their whereabouts or fate.



Still Missing.......F/M...Year


Note figures from the book "The lost children" (De förlorade barnen).
With the thanks to the authers of the book.
In the interest of children's life and their rights.