Yuqing - We wish to live in a safe world

We all wish to live in a harmonious and safe world, where there is no fear of hatred or violence. We wish to live in a world, where husband doesn't need to be frightened when his wife goes out alone, and parents do not need to worry about the safety of their children when they go to school. In an ideal world our children can play in the park and be safe, and strangers can trust each others. In that kind of an equal society, decent people are protected, those who have less are supported, criminal action is prevented and those who violate the law bear the consequences.

In the real world, in September 5th 2011, our dreams were broken. On a bright sunny day our dear Yuqing, the most kind and gentle person and a loyal employee, was brutally killed. Her life came to an end so suddenly, and the happiness of one family was broken. A violent act committed in broad daylight shook the very foundation of our trust. We cannot avoid asking how it is even possible, that such an appalling tragedy can take place in this peaceful society. What kind of hatred can drive the killer to commit such an act? Until now, two months after the tragedy, we have not gotten answers to these questions.

Life is so fragile and it can come to an end so suddenly. Nevertheless, our faith is strong and our longing is forever. We firmly believe that justice will prevail and truth cannot be compromised. Thus, when facing such a brutal act people need to stand together and say no.

We ask all those who wish to express their sympathy, regardless of their nationality, race or occupation, to sign this appeal.

  • We feel sorry for the loss of dear Yuqing, and wish to express our deepest condolences for her family
  • We strongly condemn violence, and appeal to killer to lay down his weapon and report himself to the police
  • We urge the authorities to put effort in clearing the case and tracking down the perpetrator, so that justice and peace in society will be prevailed
  • We hope that all those righteous people who wish to express their sympathy will join us, sign their name and thus take a stand against violence and hatred

我们想要这样一个和谐安全的家园,这里没有暴力,没有流血,也没有仇恨。妻子单身外出, 丈夫没有恐惧。  子女独自就学,  父母不用担心。 孩子们可以无忧无虑地在林间嬉戏,陌生人也能相互信任。我们想要这样一个公正的社会,在这里善良的人们受到保护,不幸的人得到帮助,而罪行将被制止,凶犯也会受到应有的惩罚。

不幸的是, 我们的愿望在这一天, 2011-9-5, 被无情地击碎。  在一个艳阳高照的正午时分, 温柔善良的郁青女士,一位尽职尽责的员工,倒在血泊之中一个美好生命的瞬即逝去,一个幸福的家庭摧毁,阳光下的暴行也动摇着文明社会的根基. 我们禁不住要问,为什么在这样一个宁静祥和的社会,会发生如此骇人听闻的悲剧? 是为什么样的仇恨,驱使凶手在光天化日对一个弱女子行凶?  直到今天,在凶案发生两个月后, 我们的疑问依然没有答案。 

生命是脆弱和短暂的, 我们的信念却坚定持久。  因为我们相信, 正义必将得到伸张, 社会的公理也不容挑战。 面对这样骇人的暴行,我们必须站出来大声说不。  我们请求每一个善良的人团结起来, 不分国籍,种族和职业, 加入我们的行列。  

  • 我们为郁青女士的离去而悲痛,对郁青的家属表示深切的同情
  • 我们强烈谴责暴力,呼吁凶手弃恶从善,放下屠刀,向警方自首
  • 我们敦促司法机关, 早日查清真相,缉拿凶手,伸张正义,恢复公共安全
  • 我们请求善良的人加入我们的行列,共同反对暴力,恐怖和仇恨

事件的详情见郁青的家博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2441219710 



Finnish news linnk and English translation

Tampereen kiinalaisyhteisö järkyttyi pahoin Hervannan surmasta

Chinese community in Tampere was severely shocked due to Hervanta killing

Violent death of 42 years old Chinese woman, who was killed in Hervanta at the beginning of September, shocked severely the Chinese community living in Tampere. The tragic incident has been dealt with professionals in several crisis counseling sessions.

The woman who was working in Nokia's Hermia premises, was killed along a familiar walking route near Hermia on September 5th at 12.54 pm as she was returning back to work from her lunch break. Before her death, as she was attacked by the killer, she managed to shout for help for a while before two inhabitants from nearby houses and one person from Hermia arrived the location.

Also ambulance and a police patrol arrived the location in less than ten minutes, but despite the attemps to give her first aid they were not able to  save her life any more.



Yuqing, you will always stay in our hearts