Ban the Ban

Contact the author of the petition

Victory and Preparation

2016-01-19 04:36:40

Thank you to ALL who signed and helped participate in this long battle.

Clarkston shops will be opened again and voters successfully voted out all incumbents on the council.

Victory feels great BUT comes with a cost. For those who are pro, it is great to have shops reopened and a repeal, but the Anti side are not giving up and may begin a petition for referendum.

This should not cause panic but should cause preparation. Please leave your name on petition if you are interested in preventing a referendum and want to see a full no holds barred, irreversible victory for progression not prohibition.

Thank you.





Melyssa Andrews

Invite the Governor to Clarkston

2015-11-13 03:06:06

I would like to share this petition with Governor Inslee and request his presence at a Clarkston City Council Meeting. If you want to see him visit Clarkston and speak to residents of this city please sign and share. Thank you.

Melyssa Andrews

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