we want Lindton Pillay to be reinstated with his position at Panavision

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Thank you to all of you who supported this petition

2023-10-12 15:20:26

Dear Signatories,

We want to express our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support in the effort to reinstate Linton to his position at Panavision. While the decision may not have turned in Linton”s favor, we must respect Panavision's choice.

Panavision has assured us that they are committed to maintaining their high level of service to the industry by training their new staff. This ensures that the industry will continue to benefit from their expertise.

Linton deeply appreciates all the support he received from each of you. He sees this as a turning point in his life, a push towards bigger and better opportunities.

Once again Than kyou for your Support

Film community of south africa

Thank you for your support

2023-10-10 10:32:28

Dear Signatories,

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support in the petition for Linton Pillay's reinstatement at Panavision Cape Town. Your signatures and collective voice have made a significant impact, and Linton will forever be grateful for your solidarity during this challenging time.

As we await Panavision's decision on this sensitive matter, we kindly urge everyone to continue respecting and supporting the process. Panavision Cape Town has been an exemplary institution in our industry, and it's because of their dedication and contributions that we can proudly feel that we provide a service to our clients at the highest of levels.

Your commitment to upholding the values of our industry and your support for Linton's cause exemplify the strength of our film community. We appreciate each and every one of you for standing together in this endeavor.

Thank you for your unwavering support.


Yours sincerely

Film community of south africa

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