we want Lindton Pillay to be reinstated with his position at Panavision

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern and disappointment regarding the recent termination of Mr. Linton Pillay, a dedicated and invaluable employee of Panavision Rental House. We firmly believe that Lindton's departure from the company is a significant loss, not only for the employees but also for the clients, especially the focus pullers and producers who rely on his expertise and professionalism.

Linton consistently embodies the core values of the Panavision brand through his unwavering commitment to excellence and integrity in every aspect of his work. His dedication to maintaining the highest standards of service not only reflects positively on the company but also fosters a sense of trust and community among customers and Panavision alike. Linton's willingness to go above and beyond, putting in 110 percent effort into every job he services, demonstrates his passion for his role and his dedication to ensuring the success of each project. His professionalism and commitment to these values have undoubtedly contributed to Panavision's reputation as an industry leader, making his reinstatement a critical step in preserving the integrity and excellence that Panavision represents.

Linton has consistently demonstrated exceptional skills and unwavering dedication during his tenure at Panavision. His extensive knowledge of camera equipment and his ability to assist focus pullers and producers have played an integral role in the success of numerous projects. Linton's contributions have not only maintained the high standards of service that Panavision is known for but have also enhanced the overall experience for clients.

We kindly request that you reconsider Lindton's termination and reinstate him to his previous role. His absence will undoubtedly create a void that will be challenging to fill. By retaining Linton, Panavision will not only ensure the continued satisfaction of its clients but also uphold its reputation for excellence in the industry.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that you will make the best decision for both Panavision and its loyal clients.

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