Preservation of Italian language at Jyväskylä University

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Preservation of Italian language at Jyväskylä University.



2016-04-18 08:53

Deras Sirs,

Because I visited your wonderful city, a few years ago, thanks to ACLE an Italian Teacher's Association.

I shall never forget the exchange we had in those very cold days in December 2012, that were very warm beacause of the friendship between Italian and Finnish people an many other nationalities we met there - in your university and schools.

Don't (C)LOSE the language of Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio and many others...

Prof. Roberto Strambaci

Language Teacher c/o Liceo Clasico e Linguistico "CARDUCCI" (BOLZANO-ITALIA)



2016-04-18 10:09

Une langue ... c est une culture .... un moyen de se rapprocher ..... on ne peut supprimer une forme de pensée, de s ouvrir aux autres, surtout pas en cette periode de chaos mondial. Fraternisons, apprenons le plus de choses sur les autres pour installer la paix :)



2016-04-18 11:17

I think that I have signed for a good reason: to give lots of students the opportunity to learn an interesting Language to meet and understand a Country with a complex culture!



2016-04-18 11:47

Because I agree with the most of its contents.



2016-04-18 12:16

Talvolta chi ha il potere decisionale non valuta appieno quanto le ripercussioni delle decisioni prese, possano incidere sul contesto culturale di un'intera nazione. Perché pregiudicare lo studio della cultura e della lingua italiana il cui prestigio è noto in tutto il mondo a studenti interessati ad approfondire tali conoscenze?



2016-04-18 12:29

The opportunity to learn and study Italian is not widely available, I only learned Italian because I moved to Australia, where it is taught in many schools in Victoria; reducing opportunities to learn about other cultures and be able to engage with fellow Europeans is a bad thing.



2016-04-18 12:56

How can Europe work if we dismiss each other's languages?



2016-04-18 13:08

As an ex Head of the Italian Department at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, who for years had to fight tooth and nail to keep Italian Studies open, I fully support your petition and wish you the best of luck. We were successful because we were fortunate enough to get a new Dean of Humanities who fully understood the value of Italian as a language of culture. Our colleagues at the University of South Africa (UNISA) and University of Kwazulu-Natal were less fortunate and had to close last year.
Alida Poeti
(retired and now Vice-president of the Società Dante Alighieri in JHB)



2016-04-18 13:15

Sapere l'italiano e' un valore aggiunto per tutti coloro che amano l'arte, la musica, l'architettura, il design, la storia e la moda!



2016-04-18 13:56

The study of Italian is necessary for the understanding the humanistic tradition.



2016-04-18 14:33

Because in my opinion any language enriches those who study it



2016-04-18 15:06

L'Italie est depuis la Renaissance un phare de la culture européenne. Il est impensable de prétendre connaître l'Italie si l'on ne connaît pas la langue italienne, ni la culture dont est elle est l'expression. Tout Européen cultivé devrait connaître l'Italie et l'italien. Plutôt que de songer à fermer les sections d'italien qui existent, il faudrait songer à en ouvrir là où il n'y en a pas encore.



2016-04-18 15:09

i have studied Italian in Jyväskylä - and I think it's very important to keep offering a variety pf languages in all Finnish universities; especially once so well-regarded for language education and research.



2016-04-18 15:23

In my opinion it is a real loss not giving the support to the Italian department in jyvaskyla since i firmly believe in the value of the Italian culture in the world, especially in a European society which is mainly focused on profit and economic issues.
In such a materialistic view, only Beauty can save us from the sterility of our times and Italian culture with its language and art can restore the human society to its original values of a better humanity .



2016-04-18 15:51

A language transmitts culture, art and literature. More languages more culture, art and literature.

Giuseppe Bardaro

Teacher of English


#41 Italian kielen ja kulttuurin säilyttämisestä

2016-04-18 16:26

Lopettamalla latinan ja italian kielen sekä italian kulttuurin opinnot Jyväskylän yliopisto katkaisee siteitään juuri siihen kulttuuriperimään joka tässä maailman tilassa olisi koko euroopan kannalta olennaisinta. Annammeko rahan ratkaista vai päätämmekö itse siitä mikä on tärkeää? Humanistiselta kannalta katsottuna kysymys on lähinnä retorinen. Sen sijaan kysymys siitä kuinka humanistinen Jyväskylän yliopisto lopulta on, jää nyt nähtäväksi.

Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus Augustus


2016-04-18 16:29

Finnish University is going to cut Italian. Very strange! Finnish YLE uses Latin in radio news. Please do not cut our cultural root. In hoc signo vinces!!!



2016-04-18 18:12

I want preserve italian language abroad



2016-04-18 19:10

In our days we need to learn subjects to be a mind-opened human being not just to fit to a job. Civilizations and languages give us the opportunity to share and to compare. We belong to human kind.
Arrivederci !
Mrs A. Davadie



2016-04-18 19:22

Amo la lingua italiana!



2016-04-18 19:54

l'italiano, lo insegno anch'io in Francia e voglio essere solidale!



2016-04-18 21:53

Italian language is rich of pleasant sound,.
Otherwise italian licterature was the cradle of modern linguistic culture.
Then the most famous musical expression of the XVIII century was the opera. How could you appreciate it if you don't know Italian language?



2016-04-19 05:19

It is not a matter of economic power: Italian culture is the basic way to understand Beauty in every shape. And everybody need Beauty.
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all. Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." (John Keats)



2016-04-19 05:45

Olen itse opiskellut juuri samaisella Italian kielen laitoksella ja valmistunut pääaineenani Romaaninen filologia, mutta gradun tein Italian kielellä. Juuri Italian kielen ansiosta olen oikeastaan nykyisessä työssäni, joten en voi vähätellä sen merkitystä opinnoissani - päinvastoin! On todella lyhytnäköistä ja valitettavaa lopettaa Italian kielen opetus niinkin ansiokkaassa yliopistossa kuin meillä Jyväskylässä on tähän asti ollut.



2016-04-19 08:45

I support what is said in the petition about the value of studying Italian and the importance of maintaining it at Jyvaskyla.