Overturn John Orem running for Berkeley Co Sheriff

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Overturn John Orem running for Berkeley Co Sheriff.



2016-08-06 15:42

This guy is a user of one of the most dangerous drugs in existence. He cannot be elected sheriff. It's just not right.



2016-08-06 15:50

I'm s recovering addict. In as so I would feel safe in voting for him after he got the right help. In being it's hard in this town to get that he needs to know how we go through on a daily basis. Plus the fact that he's said this he's going to do to voters about defamation of character I've been through for years in not one cop has taken it sincerely do y should we take him seriously. So maybe he should help the actual voters in the same things that we have been through that he is



2016-08-06 16:27

I signed this petition because we need accountability and restructure in Berkeley County.



2016-08-06 22:38

We are trying to get this epidemic somewhat cleaned up not add to it! He is not a role model for our city. It's sad that it's getting ak bad here I'm afraid to take my children anywhere and now I have to be worried about an officer who is supposed to protect and serve! Haha. Like heck he does.

#55 Re:

2016-08-07 00:15

#19: Hate liars -  

 Actually it only costs about 40 bucks. I've actually bought Narcan so I know the cost, you can't believe everything you hear dear. 



2016-08-08 19:37

We have enough problems in our political positions locally and nationally. If we can keep one more hoodlum out then we need to. And.... He has always been trouble, that is why he changed his name once, my guess is he will need to change it again. My vote is last name should be pieceofshit! Haha. Just a thought. Seriously I signed because he is not deserving or qualified to be a leader from the "accusations" of recent. It would not be conducive to elect John Macdonald Orem into a position of power. If he were my boss I would have no respect for him.



2016-08-09 18:38

The last thing Berkeley County needs is a corrupt officer addicted to drugs and in denial..This place needs someone to help the community, not add to the destruction of our town, or cover stuff up to protect their own self.. I've never heard anything good about this man, so let's elect someone qualified and ready to help us!!



2016-08-10 04:18

I signed this petition because we need a responsible individual to fill the role of sheriff, not a drug user. I can't imagine how you could explain away the evidence found, refusing a blood test and having to be revived, not once but twice, with narcan.



2016-08-12 23:00

I had a business relationship with Mr. Orem several years ago which evolved into my winning a legal financial decision against him in Circuit Court. I have never been paid. Through that interaction, I learned in a painful way about his integrity. Following that situation, an investigator from a federal agency came to my office asking questions about him as he had applied with them for employment. I was surprised when he won this nomination, as I'm convinced he is not the man for this position.



2016-08-17 04:13

a person doing drugs should never be in the sheriff's department or any other department



2016-08-19 15:20

We have enough cops who already think they are above the law!! It doesn't need to b more encouraged by having a drug addict in charge!!!



2016-08-19 15:49

We have enough problems here in this county with drugs. We do not need a Sheriff that does drug to confirm it is ok for use in office. We need a christian leader to look up too.



2016-08-24 00:12

john orem does not belong in office! If he has overdosed and is on drugs? He will not be good for this county



2016-08-26 00:51

He doesn't deserve to be sure if he needs to be locked up or shooting heroin he's not a good public figure or worthy enough to run for Sheriff



2016-09-26 15:44

I signed this petition because John Orem AKA John Macdonald has disqualified himself from being Sheriff in Berkeley County, WV. Even the local FOP has come out against him. Shameful.