Support Hungary!

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Support Hungary!.



2012-10-21 17:14

Csonkák lettünk, hitetlenek, melyet belső féreg foga rág... Nagyon szomorú vagyok. De nagyszerű dolog, hogy a sok év rombolás után nyert egy erő, amely hisz és akar. Sok erőt, egészséget kívánok mindazon munkásoknak, akik nap mint nap küzdenek a magyar nép valós értékeinek visszaállításáért, nemzetünk önbecsüléséért, szembeszegülve egy teljes morális csődben lévő óriással, amely a józan mértékű nyereség helyett, mások tönkretétele mellett önkényuralom felé tereli a világot. Kamatokat nyögünk azok felé, akiket évszázadokon át megvédtünk a Keleti vészektől, és akik ezalatt gyarmatsorsba vágták a fél világot... Hajrá Magyarország! Hajrá Miniszterelnök Úr! A morális győzelem már a miénk!!!
Peter Urbanyi

#127 Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

2012-10-21 19:07

#125: Magyar - Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

"Whatever you say, büdöskomcsi."

Typical stupid remark made in response to crititicism of Jobbik or Fidesz.  My family fled communism and wasted seven years in displaced person's camps.  I like neither communists nor the neofascists you praise.  Calling me a komcsi is pure hülyeség.

I don't need to pay attention to what MSZP or Fidesz say to know that Jobbik is neofascist/neonazi or whatever flavor or extremie right you want to call it.  All I have to do is listen to what they say, do, and look at what they wear.

Good luck with your backward progression into the 1930's.

Előre magyarok!

Peter Urbanyi

#128 Re: Re:

2012-10-21 19:12

#116: - Re:

Stupid remark.  The Hungarians I know are neither rude nor lazy.  Many I know work multiple jobs to make ends meet.  I would respond to your contempt with rudeness.  You get what you give.


#129 Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

2012-10-21 19:21

#127: Peter Urbanyi - Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

Jobbik is not neo-nazi or fascist, they are just patriotic, and pro Hungary.
You obviously know very little about it.


And what do they wear? A modified Székely national garb. Do you have a problem with Székelys?

Peter Urbanyi

#130 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

2012-10-21 19:54

#129: Magyar - Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

Another stupid remark.  No, no problem with Székelys.  You want to setup another strawman so that I can burn it down.  Garda uniforms are an obvious hat-tip to arrow cross uniforms.

Jobbik are not patriotic, rather they are extreme nationalists.  There are plenty of Hungrians that are not Jobbik and are pro-Hungary and patriotic.  Jobbik may beleive they are pro-Hungary, but if their policies were put in place it would be the downfall of Hungary.  It would make the damage that MSZP and Fidesz have done look like a gentle summer rain.

What no apology for calling me  a comminist when my familiy was their victims.  I did not expect you to be honorable enough to grant one.  You can disagree with me and tell me so like a gentleman.  But calling me a communist is the act of an adolescent.


#131 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

2012-10-21 20:19

#130: Peter Urbanyi - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

Gárda uniforms are now Arrow Cross? :D

Jobbik critized the Arrow Cross, and I don't like it either, they  were traitors to Hungary.

Jobbik are not extreme nationalists, just pro patriotic. If yout think they are extreme nationalists, then you haven't seen anything yet.


I will just direct you to here

Damage Hungary? How so? By making it better?

Here is what a Jobbik mayor achieved in Gyöngyöspata:


There are even Gypsies there enjoying themselves, so much for racism :D :D


Look, just because you parents or grandparents were victims of the communists, that doens't mean you can't be one, Eva S. Balogh (maybe you know her?) is a good example of one.


But I don't expect you to understand Hungarian issues, from what you said, you probably live in the comfort of the West, not having any idea about Hungary.





2012-10-21 20:21

Jobbik is more akin to Horthy, than the stupid Arrow Cross.


2012-10-21 20:24

When an "Adolf Hitler" takes our side, it can be only an ugly provokation, we don't need him - we didn' like him, as we did not like the communists, then and now!

#134 Postcommie lies

2012-10-21 20:32

Do people not understand that Jobbik has very little to do with Nazis, Hitler, or the Arrow Cross?


#135 ....

2012-10-21 20:36

MSZP lied and stole a lot, Fidesz does the same, but a bit less, and is surrounded by a cloak of pseudo-nationalism.
DK, do I even need to say more?
LMP? Another stupid party.

But there is an alternative, Jobbik, if people open their mind, and put their stupid prejudices aside, along with the lies they bought, then there is a real alternative.


#136 Mistaken sense of nationalism

2012-10-21 22:26

#130: Peter Urbanyi - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

This petition is based on half-truths and mis-understandings. The hypocrisy of the current leadership is astounding. While Orban talks tough about the EU at home about not becoming a colony, he's off placating the EU begging for cohesion funds not be taken away. Meanwhile the message at home both provocative and quite arrogant in that he claims that the EU is trying to take Hungary's money. The government is engaging in a campaign of mis-information clearly trying to capitalize on the huge language barrier that exists between Hungary and the rest of the EU. Orbains continued claims about how the IMF function are misleading leading people to believe that in order to obtain a loan they will have to turn over the keys to the country to the bankers. This is mis-information and unfortunately is reflected in this petition.

The current party, Fidesz, would prefer to turn Hungary back into a single party system. In support of this they now not only control the media with their new media council, they control advertising revenues just about every media outlet. They have starved opposition media stations to the point of bankruptcy and have harassed those that have managed to survive by illegally denying them the right to government controlled frequencies.

The biggest problem is Fidesz's abuse of parliamentary procedures to introduce a new constitution. A task that they neither had the mandate for or support of the population to do so. The constitution was written without consultation or inclusion of *any other opinion or consideration* for other groups inside the country. The mere fact that Fidesz has a 2/3 majority in parliament is a bad outcome from the current electoral system. Even with this "super majority", Fidesz skirted parliamentary procedures in order to get this new constitution in place further delegitimizing the document.

I think what we can agree upon is that right now the Hungarian people are suffering. But it's not at the hand of the EU.. it's at the hands of their past and current leadership. For the current leadership to blame the current sets of problems on a foreign group has to be the oldest political trick in the book. Don't fall for it.


2012-10-21 23:02

Can someone explain to me how Fidesz is less democratic than MSZP?
When MSZP rigged elections, and shot protesters in the eyes, and ordered the police to hit peaceful protesters with telescopic rods called Viper?

#138 Re:

2012-10-21 23:13

#6: -

While the rest of Europe move forward and prosper instead.

That's the Hungarian way, isn't it?

Peter Urbanyi

#140 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

2012-10-22 04:12

#131: Magyar - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fidesz is bad, but better than MSZP

"If yout think they are extreme nationalists, then you haven't seen anything yet."

Yes, I have seen your threats on other sites.   And what is a "yout"?



2012-10-23 19:23

NEM NE NE A BANKOK uralkodjanak, és ne az azokkal összefonódott baloldali volt postkommunista olygarchák zsákmányoljanak ki bennünket !
Илиянъ Яневъ


2012-11-04 14:46

The EU's and its financial institutions only aim is to take over the control of the people and every country's land resources through the financial currents behind the mask of the french revolution slogans "liberty , equality , brotherhood" . Every european should respect these slogans as a base for any future co-operatin in their true meaning , not like the EU,ECB and IMF whose only intention is to rob you off behind the mask of these slogans and eliminate any chance of the lower class masses of resisting their hegemony.All of the awakened individuals,regardless of nationalty,religion and ethnicity who are able to see their "behind the scene" intentions should act together to prevent the success of their plan ,and never forget their age old tactic is divide and rule .Be united ,never loose the faith in your strenght. We say in Bulgaria UNITY MAKES STRENGHT ,and unity in the highest human virtues will make us even stronger.Nothing can withstand the power of Love everything on its way melts . Be strong my friends and stay united in the name of the highest ideals and human virtues , God bless you all.

A student

#143 A country without future

2012-12-15 10:42

I don't usually comment on things like this, but the whole petition, the direction where Hungary is going is ridiculous, and not in a good way.

I don't like politics. I'm a University student, studying to be a teacher and I would care little who's running the country as long as it doesn't threaten my future.

Sadly, it does threaten it. The direction we are going, taking away more and more money from the Universities, degrading education in general, it will completely destroy our Universities in the matter of a few years. Then what? Would I have to pay? Pay to become a teacher - a job which barely pays enough to get by? I want to stay here, because against all odds, I like my country, but as things look now, I'd have no other chance but go abroad.

Just think about it for a moment. You want your children, grandchildren and in general, your young relatives to become someone, preferably with a diploma, to learn at the Universities. Do you really want to take up a loan to do so? To have a debt when you can't even be sure that these young people will have a job when they finish the University? Because the way we're going, the way the politicians are pressing money out of our economy, they won't get a job. I say it's too much risk. It has gone too far.

And even if they get a job, any job, how long will they have to work? The age limit for pension is getting higher, and the money the pensioners get - hell, it's possible that they won't get anything by the time we get there.

I don't know what to do. The previous governments stole the people's money as well, but they were more subtle about it. The current one? It even shows it in our face that "Bitches, we steal your money, what can you do about it, eh?" I don't know which one's worse,but none of them is good.

And still, there are people who worship the government. Who believe the lies, that the EU is the one taking away the money, that they want to crush us for our independence. I can't see the independence. I see lies, greed and stupidity.

Open your eyes, people. At least once, try to actually see what's going on. It's a lot easier to believe what you're told, that's for sure, but if things go on the way they are now, we are marching into our doom.


#144 Re: Re: orbanc

2013-02-13 11:27

#2: turulfarhat - Re: orbanc

Szerintem Te buzi vagy,te vén szemét MSZMPÉS!!


#145 Re:

2013-02-13 11:31

#1: -

Hajrá Viktor! Mi melleted vagyunk a büdös szarházi komunisták,meg mennyenek a pokolba!



#146 Get out of the EU!

2013-03-11 20:33

Why don't you get out of the EU if you think you are being targeted by it? It makes no sense. Since you don't understand democracy you simply shouldn't be in it.


2013-03-11 20:35

#142: Илиянъ Яневъ - BULGARIAPOWER

Get out of the EU. Now. Why would you want our money?



2013-03-13 11:31

I`m not religious and I`m liberal enough that I would allow abortion to some extent. That being said, I can not close my eyes to the fact that Hungary has a government elected in free elections by its own citizens and thus, all attempts by the european politicians to sabotage it and threaten Orban are incredible act of political pressure that should only be condemned. Hands off Hungary you sick beauracrats! Go Orban! Continue your reforms to make Hungary an economically strong country with good ground to grow.


2013-04-04 00:45

to much people go hungry all the time

#150 i would think the same thing

2013-04-04 00:46