Citizens Opposed to the Toll Road

Forrest Jones

/ #29 Highway 93 and beltway politics

2011-02-10 13:01

It should come as no surprise to some of you, that the city council is littered with 'Progressive' candidates,( who were elected by hopeful residents to mediate or mitigate many of our city's difficulties as we entered the next ten years' of growth.

As you can see, ( and these politician's stated goals to the Golden electorate are much different than their fundamental values and desires for this community. This organization brings an unstated goal of radical cultural and economic change (read, socialism) to every community it has come to.

In short, the electorate in Golden have been led to believe the city council and mayor have been performing due diligence to protect the quality of life and vested interests of Golden residents. In my opinion, this has not happened as the city now owes 40 million dollars plus in loans to who knows who, from who knows where. I'm not too sure how a population of 17,500 people, give or take a few, will pay it back. My guess is, the council and mayor think that (with reference to the 93 beltway) 'if we build it, they will come!'.

Wahoo! More people, strip malls, etc., ad nauseum, to tax, to pay our debts! (Can you hear and see your quality of life and property values fade into the din of increased traffic noise, congestion, and the smell of air pollution?) Is this a method we want to use in the name of 'sustainability'? Take a drive through northwest Arvada and see if you like the idea. Or should we return to an earlier idea of limited growth (which has many, many PROVEN benefits, not just promises from the proven failures of socialist idealogs) and pay as you go growth planning?

Hmmmm, just saying......