Save the Solstice Sunrise - Army Basing Plan for Larkhill


/ #36

2014-03-31 08:41

I am not a religious person and would not normally object to a plan of this nature, because rehousing soldiers is something I am VERY supportive of. I generally feel that soldiers are not properly rewarded for their efforts socially upon leaving or returning from action.
However, historically, Stonehenge has played a very important social, political and cultural gathering point for thousands of years and was built and has been maintained purposefully to display the effect of the sun through, around and on it's wider site. I do strongly feel that the proximity of ANY permanent structure within this visible perimeter would seriously undermine the site's historical development and we should respect and preserve this open space for future generations in perpetuity. Surely the housing development can be located on the other side of the village of Larkhill?