We Support Open School

Matt Beard

/ #27 I wish I would have gone here as a child...

2014-06-02 16:19

I grew up in Los Angeles, as an only child, with divorced parents.
I went to Montessori schools, as well as schools in both LAUSD and Culver City School district.
Even was part of the G.A.T.E. program...
I can honestly say that I wish I had the opportunity to attend Open Magnet Charter School, as I believe it would have changed my initial outlook and understanding of what a community of respect really means.
I wasn't taught to effectively share, to collaborate, and to teach (as well as learn) with my fellow students.
I wasn't taught to effectively listen, although I was 'told' to listen many times. LOL.

This is the quality of education, and life lessons I see happening every day at Open. The unyielding dedication of the teachers, staff, volunteers, students and alumni truly shape this school and make it the one-of-a-kind Oasis it is today.

My own perspective has changed since my children started attending Open.
It's rubbed off on me.
Even with the minimal amount of volunteer work I am able to do (and am striving to do more), I've started understanding what it all means...
Being part of a community. Learning to respect yourself, as well as others and the world around you. Seeing the symbiotic relationship between our own actions, and the effect those actions have on others.

Our kids get this immersion, and interaction 5 days a week at Open.

It's a humbling experience when (during a stressful moment, or conflict) your own child proves to be "the bigger person"...
...and the parent (who hasn't had the same education and experience) becomes the pupil.

I know I'm becoming a better person everyday, because of Open, and I can only imagine what my children's future (and the future of their community) will be like.

...for 'Anonymous' (who likely isn't as anonymous as s/he may think)...
Of course Open isn't for everyone...
You can't please all the people all the time.
However...becoming a part of Open School is a CHOICE, not a requirement.
People are here, because they want to be here.
They see the potential in their kids, and in their future.
They took the time to research, apply, and wait anxiously for their names to be drawn out of a lottery.
Its not a fluke...
It's not a home-school...
It's not mandatory.

If Open is not a good fit for 'Anonymous'...well, they do have the choice to leave and find something that suits them better.
Heck, I'm betting the rest of the school would be happy to throw them a wonderful "Bon-Voyage and Best Wishes" going away party.
Maybe even make them a nice t-shirt.