help me to keep my home and fight for what is right

guest 2

/ #14 Re:

2014-06-24 20:39

#1: -

im sorry but if its in someone elses name then she should move, shes got no family (eg) children of her own, why should it be one rule for her and the same for the rest as everyone who lived with family with their parents or grandads name if they leave you cant just stay there. she will have to find a rental for time being, im sorry but i dont agree with this and im sure they wont listen anyway. i back the commisioners 100% its not one rule for others and another for her, she should be shifted to a 1 bed so someone can have their children in that home as she obviously has non. she should have had her name on the list in the first place, so maybe she should have thought about that. this is the most stupid thing i have ever seen. and tbh they are not going to listen even with a petition, just like the governement (tynwald) ignored over 6000 signatures for the toilet tax.