Take Candid Camera off of the air!


/ #2 Don't worry Phillip Zelneck you'll be remembered!

2014-09-17 07:37

 Another reason to hate this show: remember Phillip Zelneck? Well if you don't, let me give you a back story: he was a victim of that horrible and stupid show, candid camera. People were made to slide through an x-Ray machine like the kind that luggage go though, on their bellies-now already think about it: this is already a ticking time bomb: what if somebody's pregnant, has a stomachache, had surgery, a child, etc, not to mention making people look foolish! And that MORON Peter Funt was posing as a security guard, and I forgot to mention that this incident took place during the post-9/11 period, so what the hell is that crap doing going on in an airport?!?!?! Why doesn't Mr. Funt just jump out of a bathroom with a fake bomb on his chest and scream "I got a bomb, you're all gonna die!" What I'm saying is that he might as well do that. And as expected, somebody (being Phillip Zelneck) was thrown off of that piece of crap machine and he hurt and bruised his leg--and thankfully, a lawsuit took place and he won!

 Why didn't you think about that and all the risks, Mr. Funt? Oh right, I forgot, this is Peter Funt I'm talking to; asking Peter Funt to think is like asking a giraffe to recite the Gettysburg address! Peter Funt  has about as much use for thinking as an ostrich has for an umbrella! It really makes me angry!

 If you couldn't think of a better reason to sign my petition, now you can!