Help save MHDL


/ #44

2014-10-07 20:11

Hmmm, I really don't know what AHS was thinking when they made the decision to close these labs. I can't imagine everyone that has to get lab tests done going to the hospital, having to find parking where there isn't any parking available, walking such a long distance to get to the lab, waiting in long lineups in a hospital, possibly putting thousands of people at risk of contagious diseases, having to pay for parking. How about people who have to work, they can't take half the day off for a blood test. It will be extremely difficult for mom's with young children, senior citizens, the mentally and physically handicapped, and people who are ill. I realize that AHS said that they would hire some of the people from the labs they are closing, but how many will lose their jobs? Perhaps AHS should have consulted our community before making such a drastic and foolish decision.