kids created equal


/ #12 Consider

2014-12-05 19:35

However, contests in different areas do help kids self esteem, for example a flashcard contest with words or a contest with math problems. It shows them what they are good at and how they can improve and learn from others. It gives them the self motivation to be better and not sore losers. If u were to try to pass this how is this any different than kids sports games or the videos games they always play? It teaches the children how to show good sportsmanship when losing or winning. It  also gives them a real grasp on the real world, where believe it or not there are winners and losers. Not subjecting these kids to any competition and then throwing them into competition once they are older will just be devastating for these kids. In a world where everyone gets a sticker to a world where you lose? That's more detramental to a child than showing how to lose and how to win respectfully. I encourage people to think about this before signing this petition. A kid winning a coloring contest? What's the harm? The kid may discover he is good at drawing and coloring. Maybe because of this he finds a new hobby and a new love in which he one day becomes a graphic designer. Kids have a natural tendency to make things a competition and taking away the schools right to even hold a field day (because mind you that is competition) will not stop them from holding contests amongst themselves on the play ground. I think for this to be successful it needs to be more specific on what you want to limit.