Reinstate Mr. Thomas Leahy


/ #113

2015-11-05 04:31

this teacher is showing a film that is reflecting a huge problem in this world - and outside of my hometown which is Conway Springs - I'm proud to be from there and I also was raised Catholic. I don't think people reading this should blame it on Catholics as I know many are signing this petition to support this teacher. Whether it be about sex choices or bullying or suicide- it was a good story for all of us to watch - I just did and it will hopefully help everyone to have more compassion for each other - we are not on earth to judge but to love one another - God will be the judge in the end... Remember we are all guilty of something in our lives... But He still Loves us and forgives us - keep this teacher that so many children learn from and respect. Also reading that he is retiring next year really saddens me that this one short story and not getting permission would threaten his retirement benefits after serving our children this many years - seems so severe to me.  Switch roles like this short story does and see how a decision to fire you would affect your family's future and the remaining time in your life. Thank you.  Prayers are with you Sir.