New beginning


/ #17

2011-12-27 16:27

I have never seen any abuse, the kids were always happy. I would see my brother (gerald) jerry Taylor walk in the cold and in the hot to get their children what they needed they have always tried to provide. I was up there and yes their house was clean i seen nothing wrong. When they lived in sequoyah county they never abused thier children and they never would. the paternal grandmother tried to get them babies the day cps came and got them the grandmother talked to them and told them she wanted them she has no record but yet the maternal grandmother and grandfather does and they put them with them. I have seen pics of my oldest niece kaylie standing at the top of narrow metal steps with a metal handrail that she has already fell down once. The children got taken all bc they asked her to have her come home and for her things and her mother says they will regret it so see the children should of never been taken in the first place. So plz sign this petition and get the taylor children home.

thanks Jennifer