Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay

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/ #101 get your shit together ravenvison

2011-01-12 23:10

In my opinion after sof3 you owe the sof community. At the very least keep that list up and maintained. sof3 aside I think it would be wise to resolve the problem before the message gets around that activision and ravensoft do not support the multiplayer games they sell after they've stopped making money off of them. we have a few thousand members on our forum that I would encourage and drop links to in order to start a smear campaign and boycott if this problem doesn't get addressed in a timely fashion. I would encourage all other clan leaders and clan members to do the same on their sites if this problem isn't taken care of in the next 7 days. The only way these company's will take us seriously is if we cost them money so let's give them a week and then get down and dirty.