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#38 Re: Tangled web.

2014-02-28 08:49

#28: Egalitarian1 - Tangled web.

Just curious but what do you consider to be the "success of East Glendalough". Temple Carrig is in consideration for my kids but I have little or no experience of East Glendalough or Newpark so would love to hear how good a school they both are. Leaving cert results for example... do they ever feature in 'top schools' lists? How about sporting or extra curricular endeavours?

Any info greatly appreciated.



#41 Re: Re: Tangled web.

2014-03-01 00:29:14

#38: - Re: Tangled web.

Sorry I know this is not a chat forum, but just to reply to #38.

Best place I can find for school stats is   schooldays .ie

Search for a school, the menu on left hand side should give you most of the info you need (School assesments, progression to 3rd level etc)

League tables are not issued by the Dept of Education in Ireland as they are in the UK. The only source I have seen is the annual guide to Irish schools in the Sunday Times.

From memory, East Glendalough was down the list a fair bit last year, from a high the previous year of 121. (this is only from my patchy memory 'though).

Stats from last year show that 55 continued to 3rd Level from 61, well above average, so I would anticipate that they will be back up the list next year.

Good luck with your search, I guess, in common with everyone else on here you are trying to do the best you can for your children.

Probably why it becomes a little heated at times.