Save GCC from CRT

Quoted post



2021-11-12 16:10

You seem to be under the same zeitgeist as the people you claim to be saving GCC from. I'd offer that your petition contains misleading and false information, but it seems that doesn't really matter. What sort of Christianity are you trying to save when you're priority is to file petitions before asking questions and getting answers? How is CRT a bigger threat than the members of the Church brazenly and proudly violating both Matthew 18 and the 9th Commandment? You charge an institution and specific people with crimes publicly before ever asking a question and demand they change behavior. This is not good faith behavior and it certainly is not befitting of the Church. GCC does not and has not advocated CRT even as it tries to engage the question of race in America. If you took the time to listen charitably, offer and received nuanced views, and assume the best of those you claim to love... you'd be following the example of Christ. Instead, you seem to be following the same viciousness as Tucker Carlson, Rachel Maddow, and others who peddle anger and outrage to hide their own sins. I'd like you to commit to removing this petition when you receive evidence that what you're claiming doesn't happen on campus. Otherwise, you're the worst sort of hypocrite. Perhaps you can learn humility in your own behavior before demanding it from others.



#7 Re:

2021-12-08 16:27:46

#1: -  

 Questions were asked and not answered. That's why the petition was made in the first place. Specific examples were listed in the petition and in a response to McNulty more specific examples were listed. If you have information disproving the specific examples listed (Testimony from RAs, texts for different classes,etc...) then produce them. If not then the 9th commandment does not apply. Matthew 18 is dealing with interpersonal conflict in the local church (going to the elders, the church, etc...). GCC is not a church, it's a privately funded school supported by private donors and tuition. The people paying the bills have a right to question the administration. Hiding behind a Bible verse taken out of its original context to avoid any public criticism for public acts (chapel messages, courses, etc...) is at best weak and at worst disingenuous. I actually didn't sign this petition but I am finding reactions such as this highly educational of the kind of alumni GCC produces.