Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#297 Re: Are you kidding???

2012-01-20 17:59

#95: Fed up with you people... - Are you kidding???

gosh, I think we're all so grateful to you for your helpful suggestions pertaining to our time management.  I was having such difficulty filling my time with with meaningful purpose until you so aptly pointed it out to us all.  Now that you have opened our eyes to a more purpose driven life, we'll certainly be the better for it.  Perhaps you could even use "suck it up and get a life" as a title to a new book. Our whole great nation can benefit from your pendantic analysis of the al the issues you  feel we are neglecting.  I suppose the majority of us have certainly misunderstood the revelance of the balanced calendar.



#300 Re: Re: Are you kidding???

2012-01-20 21:08:29

#297: - Re: Are you kidding???

Here is another suggestion to help add meaning to your life - on facebook go to the page:  "cobb county school district unofficial community".  You should find a lot of deep thought, reflection, maturity, poise, selfless-ness, and intellect at work.

But, you probably already know that.