Request to cancel the PSAC and TB vote (PA, SV and EB groups)

Quoted post

Mario Leclerc

#176 John Gordon and his team brainwashed by the doctrine of neoliberalism

2010-12-19 18:58

Unfortunately, the PSAC bargaining team has drifted to an Ideology that is contrary to its principles and detrimental to its members. The neoliberal doctrine, the tough-love measures approach. How much money will be saved by the current Tentative Agreement ? And what concession can we get next time around ?

Treasury Board under Tory government is exploiting the economic crisis to drive down benefits for workers and human rights. They use propaganda to mould people’s belief and shape public opinion. They make you believe that you have no choice no alternatives. They knew that people’s thinking about economic and social issues could be similarly swayed by the same technique. Repeated and heard and read often enough, the biggest lies become unquestioned beliefs. Sadly, our bargaining team has been brainwashed into accepting the doctrine of neoliberalism.



Lynda Paradis
The author of this petition

#177 Re: John Gordon and his team brainwashed by the doctrine of neoliberalism

2010-12-19 19:32:12

#176: Mario Leclerc - John Gordon and his team brainwashed by the doctrine of neoliberalism 

 Very well said ... and Mario hopes to bring this great cause far enough to make it clear that it was this union that we have to decide issues in a negotiation and not to them, that they must have in hand a mandate members on an issue like this and they are received no

Très bien dit espère grandement pouvoir porter cette cause assez loin et bien faire comprendre a ce syndicat que c'est nous qui devons décider des enjeux dans une négociation et non a eux, autrement dit ils doivent avoir en main un mandat des membres sur un enjeu de la sorte et ils ne l'on aucunement reçu