Opposition to ITV

Quoted post

Silent Observer who supports ITV

#229 The debate has not improved yet

2012-08-02 23:03

I am disappointed that the debate on this issue of ITV being Haraam has now become stagnant. No new comments worth reading.

If ITV is Haraam. Then boycott ITV. Do not watch ITV or any other TV. The irony is that there appears to be more "hatred" and venom directed at ITV in one week than all the "hatred" against all the other channels which have are 100% Haraam and which have no intention to be the friends of Islam.

The enemies of Islam must be celebrating this attack of Muslims against a Muslim initiative. How misguided are we?


ITV Supporter

#230 Re: The debate has not improved yet

2012-08-02 23:08:23

#229: Silent Observer from ITV - The debate has not improved yet 

Saying ITV is Haraam will not make it Haraam. Signing 1000 or 10 000 petitions against ITV will make no difference. If you dont like ITV dont watch it. There is no compulsion in religion.

Read books. Surf the web. Boycott ITV. Its your choice.



#233 Re: The debate has not improved yet

2012-08-02 23:58:50

#229: Silent Observer who supports ITV - The debate has not improved yet

We dont care about the other Tv stations . ITV is in the name of islam . People will understand whatever is on that channel is islamic .The ulama being on there will make the public understand all is halaal . THATS WHY WE ARE SAYING ITV IS A EVIL DEVIL STATIONS BECUASE WHAT ISLAM SAYS IS HARAAM PHOTOS MUSIC AND WOMAN DISPLAYING THEMSELVES . ITV PROMOTES THIS EVILS . SIMPLE CAN YOU UNDERSTAND .


#237 Re: The debate has not improved yet

2012-08-03 11:40:35

#229: Silent Observer who supports ITV - The debate has not improved yet

After" silenlty observing" for so long, you still don't get it....

My freind you are totally lost... We make duaa that ALLAH (SWT) opens your eyes and heart to at least see the truth.

Many people out there watch television wholesale  and itv. But at least they have come to realise the haraam status. Insha-Allah ALLAH will guide you to steer away .

When one doesn't think he/she  is doing wrong, one will not make taubah. When one realises they are doing wrong they will make taubah.