Opposition to ITV

Quoted post


#246 Re: Re: The debate has not improved yet

2012-08-03 17:03

#237: - Re: The debate has not improved yet

Silent supporter...can't you see what is happening in Burma. Babies are roasted, women raped, the eyes of Muslims are gauged out. The Majlis took out an article today warning the Muslims of this country of an impending Athaab. For almost everything thus far, the Majlis has been proven right. The Halaal vark vleis, the Shaytaanic ITV, the Riba banks which caused the entire board of Ulama to resign only now, the fall of the Talebaan five years beforehand...the list goes on and on...when the Majlis says Allah's athaab is imminent if those ITV Ulama dont make tuabah, then i am really worried. Check all the Indian areas: they are surrounded by squater camps. The  whoites are armed and trained. The Indians have the wealth. If trouble breaks out, who is going to help us if Allah Ta'ala abandons us since we have abandoned His Commands? May your silence not be shattered by hysterical screams!



#247 Re: Re: Re: The debate has not improved yet

2012-08-03 17:36:50

#246: hashim - Re: Re: The debate has not improved yet

May Allah save us from sinning against our souls. May such brutality never materialise on this land. Oh allah save us and save our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.

We Muslims must wake up. First we must rid our Jamiats, Mjc etc of these Ulema-e-soo. live like muslims and turn towrds Allah i nrepentance.

Action speaks louder than words