Hold SAICA accountable.

December 1st was the biggest examination for any aspiring Chartered accountant to obtain their final CA(SA) designation. A honoured designation. Revered across the world for its high standards as being one of the best, if Not the best designation. 

Unfortunately the exam written on 1st December 2021 across South Africa by THOUSANDS of trainees was marred with inexcusable unprofessional, ill feelings, stress, anxiety, chaos, and well, as many who wrote the exam can testify, "the worst experience of their lives".

Two years of preparation, destroyed in a single day, by a renowned "professional" body, SAICA. In a single day, their lack of preparation, proper equipment, unskilled invigilators, unskilled I.T specialist and definitely not last, access to decent (if any) Internet at all.

All of this begs, pleads, desires, did I say begs? This all cries out with emotion, emotions of disbelief and anger, frustration and fear, to be answered. SAICA, you need to answer for all the trauma that you have caused.

  • What was the R6000 registration fee used for?
  • Why was the equipment not tested, tested again, and again for a smooth running exam. 
  • Where is your pride?
  • Where is your professionalism?
  • Where is your accountability, paronomasia intended.
  • How will you compensate the trainees who had to endure writing an exam that should, at most take 8 hours, that for some turned in to a hellish ordeal lasting more than 15 HOURS. Let me repeat that, they ordealed 15+ hours of incompetence.
  • Are you going to pay back the trainees who were forced to use their own data to write the exam, or should I say type the exam. The lucky ones were able to type their exam on the 'sometimes' functioning laptops. Yes, if you, the reader are wondering, the Situation got so mentally and physically taxing on the trainees where in the instances that the so called I.T professionals could not resolve the technical issues, the trainees had to write the exam on paper. That is borderline torture for these aspiring young professionals, who are mentally and physically exhausted, sitting in an exam venue for hour, hours far beyond the rights enshrined within our Constitution. You, SAICA, decent words come from my mouth, but my mind, my mind flows like a river with such creative words, the canvas of an artist would be pure black.

There is so much that people wish to say,  that I wish to say, we, as non accountants, auditors, advisors, trainees can see, we feel, we have taken Note of your superiority complex and unapologetic response in the news, you as SAICA had a duty to give these trainees the best possible opportunity, environment and support to write this exam and to pass. Your pass rates are dismissal as it is. SAICA, you have failed these people who are our future, the people who one day will replace you. You, the upper management, as you are another year closer to going on pension, you have created an unforgettable legacy of failure. That's how you will be remembered. You hold yourself high, as the mightiest of the mighty, the authority above all authority. Sorry to say, you have brought disrepute to yourself, your image is damaged, haunted by your lack of empathy.

Oh, let's not forget that you, SAICA, have single handedly created a major super spreader event. As the common layman would say, 'my Bru, have you lost your marbles?', What the hell were you thinking getting THOUSANDS of persons to sit together in venues across this Covid-19 war torn country.


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