

I prefer Angle over Parallel Parking...
Designated parking spots for people with disabilities are extremely scarce, therefore, it is easier and safer for a person with mobility issues to exit from a vehicle outside of the travelling way.
With a greater number of parking stalls, people with mobility issues are more likely to find an vacant stall and not have to physically travel as far to get to their destination.
It takes less time for parking maneuver which will not hold up traffic flow.
In the event a vehicle is hit by another vehicle while backing out of an angle stall, it is far less dangerous than a person being hit while they exist from their vehicle from a parallel stall!!
The voice of the people must be heard and not ignored!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-18)


I'm signing because I support angle parking

(Smith's falls, 2019-02-18)


Angle parking is part of our small town uniqueness, and heritage, I see NO good reason to change it

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-18)


I want to keep the angled parking in SF. It’s a part of our heritage and what makes Smiths Falls unique. I think the town should spend this money elsewhere, like fixing the Victoria Street bridge.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-18)


Angle parking shiuld be kept on Beckwith street in Smiths Falls.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-18)


To keep angle parking

(Smith's falls , 2019-02-18)


I want to keep ange parking

(Smith's Falls, 2019-02-18)


I want angle parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-18)


It is heritage, and it should not be changed, I do not believe a bicycle lane is needed and the amount of parking spaces would drop

(Lanark, 2019-02-18)


I think money would be better spent fixing conferation bridge. Angle parking is part of our town history. Leave it alone!!

(Lombardy, 2019-02-19)


There is no justifiable reason to change the parking we currently have. There are plenty of side streets that can accommodate bicycle lanes if needed.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


This town is getting busier...not slowing down. To limit the amount of parking would be in sane. 2. Since all the parking meters will be lessening as well, who will be paying for all the money loss? Increase taxes...FORGET IT.
BIKE LANES? really one would use them. And it would be a complete wast of our tax payers money. The first ruling should stand.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I believe that the decision to rescind previous councils decision was underhanded and disrespectful to the previous council. As the parent of an adult with mobility issues it is already most difficult to get my son in and out of the vehicle on the side streets in the midst of winter.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I don't agree with the proposed changes to the parking downtown

(Arnprior, 2019-02-19)


I don’t want the parking in Smiths Falls to be changed.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Because I can sign. Parallel parking is a complete nightmare

(Smith's falls, 2019-02-19)


It makes zero sense to make to make the changes proposed. There would essentially be less parking spaces available. Money could be used in many other ways to fix and repair roads in town that desperately need it rather than spend money we dont have to on something that is pointless to begin with.

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


I believed that the issue had been decided at the Feb 2018 Council meeting. In light of this I did not ask any of the candidates about it during the fall 2018 election campaign, as I believed that the issue was closed. The mayor and councilor candidates should have stated that they planned to re-open the debate, so that we could have voted for the candidates that supported our viewpoint. I feel deceived and have lost respect for our current town leadership.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Our town is unique with an incredibly wide street with an abundance of easy in and out angle parking. We don’t need to cut our parking to less then half and back up traffic while trying to parallel park. We are cyclist, and we still would not bike up the centre of town.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Stop trying to fix what works and focus on what’s actually broken!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I want angle parking to stay

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I believe the right decision for Smiths Falls is to retain our heritage downtown. Angle parking is part of the charm of the downtown core and in my opinion just makes sense. I live, work, play, and shop in Smiths Falls

(SMITHS FALLS, 2019-02-19)


Keep Option 1 with angled parking in Smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I have a right to a choice

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


Angle rocks

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Our town needs to keep everything that makes us unique. That includes our angle parking, confederation bridge and whatever else we can. I totally agree that we need to put funds into beautifying what we already have, not taking away what makes us different and special.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-19)


I believe in preservation of our heritage and our angled parking makes our town unique.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I'm signing because I believe the angled paying should stay. Spend money wisely and build Confederation bridge so it can alleviate some of the vehicle congestion. Especially in summer!

( Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I want to preserve my heritage.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I disagree with parallel parking and the way this issure has been handled by the Mayor of Smiths Falls and the council.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Im in favour of angle parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I am for angled parking and preserving the heritage of our town. Totally disagree with the underhanded way in which council and the mayor has dealt with this.

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


Angle parking is part of our history and heritage

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Don can't angled parking or bike lanes

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I believe that town counsel changed the agreed upon option of Angle Parking without consulting the members of the community . Angle Parking SHOULD stay!!!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


This is absurd to change this!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I’m signing this because I think angle parking should stay

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I am signing this because I think it should stay the way it is

(Perth , 2019-02-19)


I am signing because I disagree with option 2.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I’m signing because they should leave the parking the way it is. Parallel parking is going to cause less parking availability in the downtown area.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I feel we should keep our heritage Of our town the way it has been for the past hundred years. In my opinion I think we should just fix the sewer system/water system and replace the roads and put in new sidewalks. Then fix the other things around town that need to be repaired or replaced.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


It’s insane to remove our angled parking on our Main Street. It’s easy & safe parking for youth & the elderly. $ our town could put to many important issues. This is not a needed change.

(Jasper , 2019-02-19)


I feel parallel parking is just wrong, I hate going to Perth and trying to parallel park on the main streets, people dont have patience to wait on you, if you pull up too far, someone tries to slide in the spot behind you, I could go on and on, also I really dont think there will be many that will use the bike lanes, at least not enough to warrant a need for them.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I lived in Smiths Falls for almost my whole life. Now I live and shop in Smiths Falls almost daily.
Parallel parking in Smiths Falls would be the mother-of-all bad decisions for the town. Do something intelligent and fix the bridge with the money.

(Jasper, Ontario, 2019-02-19)


I've lived here for 49 years..all my life and know the the parking situation, if changed, will be a disaster..nothing like limiting the use of our downtown stores even do passengers get out of the car when its winter and the curbs are piled with snow.. we will be losing so much parking...we managed for this long without it I know we can continue to do just fine..put thr money to better use

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I lived and worked in Smiths Falls the majority of my life and now shop there. Parallel parking would be the mother-of-all BAD decisions. Do something intelligent, and FIX the BRIDGE.

(Jasper, Ontario, 2019-02-19)


I’m signing because I live in Smith Falls and want the parking To stay the way it is

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I support angled parking

(Perth, 2019-02-19)


Because it is hard enough to find street parking when I stop at my office for work.It is a unique design and the Town layout was well planned for this parking .

(Perth, 2019-02-19)


We need to maintain the unique qualities of SF, such as angle paking, not eliminate them. Bike paths should be expanded upon and added along our waterway and side streets that run parrallel to Beckwith St. Not on Beckwith street. Focus on the expense of a new water tower and the reconstruction of the foot bridge and fountains near Mill St.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-19)


It's fine the way it is

(Smith's falls, 2019-02-19)


I am in smiths falls everyday and the angle parking should be kept so to the heritage .... When Tim Horton’s was updating there store uptown people were worried about how congested uptown would be and you think changing the parking won’t congest downtown

(Merrickville , 2019-02-19)


I cannot parallel park with the transports that drive down Beckwith street it’s impossible!

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


Keep angle parking in Smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls, ON, Canada, 2019-02-19)


I am signing this petition for angled parking to keep and preserve angled parking in Smiths Falls. It’s important to preserve history. This street is unique to being wide with angle parking. We don’t need to change it for cosmetic reasons or to turn into a city feel.
Leave well enough alone. It’s works - don’t change it for cosmetic reasons that only a few agree with. The majority rules to keep what is meant to be!

(Lombardy , 2019-02-19)


What the mayor/council did was sneaky and underhanded! Angled parking is definitely a part of our heritage as it was used for horse and buggy! This money NEEDS to be put towards something much more constructive and in need of change!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I want angle parking don’t want parallel parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


Council and mayor abusing their power and speaking on behalf of the minority vote overturning same to suit their pride for a major change during their term. Changing a vote of the people is not a right because you are council/mayor but rather a true disgrace and ignorance of the power you hold. This change will not suit the needs of our town and congestion is 100% in the future of any travels through our town. I am ashamed of myself for voting our current mayor back for another term. Wish their was a way for myself to change my vote now in 2019 as they have done for angled parking. I reside in Smith's Falls!!!

(Smith's Falls, On, 2019-02-19)


Angled parking is more convenient than parallel parking. More cars more business for our local business

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


I live in Smith Falls

(Smith falls, 2019-02-19)


I live is Smiths Falls. The Mayor and Council have no right to do what they did on their original vote. An election promise is a promise. I want to maintain our heritage.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


Angle Parking was the majority vote. I shop here and work here it makes sense ..

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I believe the angle parking gives easier access.

(Smith's Falls, ON, 2019-02-19)


I work and shop in Smiths Falls. I also grew up in Smiths Falls and love the angle parking and wide front street.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-19)


This change will slow traffic flow. And take business away from downtown.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


My hometown, I want to retire here and enjoy the wonderful angle parking . We inherited this wide street from our ancestors. We stand out from all our surrounding towns, it is our signature, we are unique.

(Merrickville, 2019-02-19)


Bike lanes are dangerous for everyone in heavy traffic and this is our town not 7 Trudeau want to be’s town

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


Don’t support Option 2

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Makes no sense to reduce the parking capacity plus this was
not on the radar during the last
municipal election

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I am signing because I don't want the heritage of our downtown destroyed. I work and shop in Smiths Falls. This town is known for it's beautiful wide "main" street, please don't let them destroy it. We bank and shop in the downtown and I will tell you that we will move our business to the outskirts if their plan comes to fruition.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I support angled parking option.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I believe angle parking is a special feature of this town. Bike lanes do not belong on the "main" downtown town street .

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I’m signing because I’ve grown up in this town, I’m now a 37 year old mother and registered nurse in our community. I’ve lived in Kingston, Toronto and Rochester, New York. I frequent Perth, Merrickville, Brockville, Ottawa and Kemptville. I still believe our town has something unique to offer and we are growing into it. Angled parking keeps our downtown accessible and supports local small businesses. I can appreciate the possibility of a few side walk cafes for those agreeable businesses but not changing the entire downtown. We are making positive necessary changes but let’s keep focusing on things that need fixing instead of changing things that are working. Seems like a waste of precious resources to me.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I live just outside of the town limits but I shop here, get services like a hair dresser and banking. I unfortunately had to parrall park several times this past week. To use my passenger side door my car was crowded into the driving lanes. Not safe. Less parking decreases business to our downtown core. Has it not suffered enough!

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


Smiths Falls was my home for 20 years. I am proud of my town and it's heritage, we have a beautiful main street and angle parking maintains the history of the town

(Cornwall, 2019-02-19)


Our family moved Smiths Falls in 1970
I have lived in and out of the little town a few times.Mostly in country .
but ...
Although I live out Smiths Falls I have used the town for over 48 years .
The town needs to keep it heritage and keep the parking the way it has been for many years .
Trucker will have a hard time maneuvering around down town with that parking DESIGN have they thought of that?

(NEWVBLISS, 2019-02-19)


Its a democracy not a dictatorship

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


Angle parking allows more downtown parking which helps downtown businesses and patrons. The bike lane could be in front of parked cars and separated with curbs to prevent cars from entering lane.

(Carleton Place, 2019-02-19)


I want to reserve our heritage. I feel that angle parking is safer for the elderly and/or adults exiting their vehicles with young children. We do not need to lose any parking spaces that parallel would do. I feel the people need to be heard.

(Ashton, 2019-02-19)


I am a local downtown business owner and the reduction of parking spaces as a result of Option 2 directly affects my business. I also feel that the final decision was reached by vote by the previous council, money was spent on moving forward with Option 1, and additional spending is now being incurred to change direction. This change has also delayed the entire project. Mayor Shawn Pankow did not run his campaign to include a revisit to this issue and thus he may not have been voted in had he done so!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I don’t want bicycle lane or parallel parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I am a longtime resident of Smiths Falls. As such I disagree both with the premise of the change and more importantly how the town council and Mayor went about approving the change in the most underhanded method possible.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


There is hardly enough parking downtown now, worse in the summer! With parallel parking there would be even less parking and there is no need for bike paths, they would be more dangerous then beneficial.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


The town needs too much work and needs to focus on the all around. It’s hard to get parking now. There are not enough bikers around to be focusing on this.

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


Our Council is ignoring the clear common sense how their redesign plans will completely choke up traffic through downtown, without having a bypass in place beforehand. Abbott st and Lombard St. are not prepared for the increase in traffic. These plans are bound to go over budget as well, and we as taxpayers will be liable for covering these costs with tax increases.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


I hate the idea of parallel parking angle parking is our history and we need to keeep what’s close to us in our history

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


This parallel parking IS Smiths Falls.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


If it not broke don't waste money. It is past of uniqueness of this historic town. Use the money for something else more pressing.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Born and raised here, i am a tax payer in smithsfalls.. I would like to see angle parking stay , keeps more spaces for business community , more people more sales.. I think parallel parking will be more dangerous and more congested for the town ,, keep angle parking its part of our heritage of the town .

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


I don't want parallel parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


it was deceitful how they changed the decision.

(Smith's falls , 2019-02-19)


I grew up in Smiths Falls and still have family there. I want the heritage of our downtown kept. It is a tourist destination and people talk about the wide main street with angle parking.

(Woodstock, 2019-02-19)


I don’t like how the mayor and his council underhanded the whole election by lying to the people

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


It is imperative to keep Smiths Falls’ heritage. In 2018, council and mayor voted in favour of Option 1, angle parking. Period.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-19)


it is a very stupid idea period

(smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


Do NOT want change to parking!!

(smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


I prefer the street the way it is. There are more med scooters than bikes.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I think angle parking allows more parking spaces. Our businesses need us to be there so please if there is no parking spaces there is no buisness.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Angle parking in SF is tradition and appealing !!!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)



(smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


I want to keep angled parking. There is not enough parking now downtown

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Although I live in Jasper, I work, shop and play in Smiths Falls. I can parallel park,but owning a very large truck, it will be impossible to park as it is very long, and I will never find a spot where I’ll be able to park it. I grew up in Smiths Falls, attended school in Smiths Falls, so I’m very concerned about preserving the heritage of our famous main drag. I believe that Canada is supposed to be a democratic country, which means that people have their right to be heard. Especially when it affects our day to day lives.

(Jasper, 2019-02-19)


Angle parking was voted on last year with the prior councillors and mayor. I have lot all trust with the current councillors and mayor.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Parking should stay the same

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


Keep angled parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Keep angled parking.

(Brockville , 2019-02-19)


I want to preserve a unique feature of our town and keep angle parking. I do not see any advantage to changing the present design. I have already expressed my disappointment to the mayor and council that the decision to rescind was made in the first place.

(SMITHS FALLS, 2019-02-19)


With the pitch of the hill Beckwith St
Is on, and the amount of people that avoid parallel parking our downtown will suffer greatly. I support option 1for the overhaul of our beautiful downtown.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Leave the parking the way it is on the main street

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-19)


I want option 1 parallel parking

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-19)


Keep option 1- angled parking in Smith's falls.
Maintain Smiths Falls heritage.
Stand up against the destruction of the democratic process.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


I’m signing this petition because the people of Smiths Falls need to be heard. Angle parking needs to stay.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-19)


Smiths Falls is growing and we want to encourage new businesses and visitors to the downtown core. We need more parking not less. I’m sure we can beautify the street while maintaining our heritage. Keep angled parking!!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-19)


Cheryl Van Iterson

(Toledo, 2019-02-20)


I want to preserve angled parking in downtown Smiths Falls.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I’m tired of all levels of government pushing their own agendas. It’s time to put the power back in the public’s hands.
Pankow and friends need to hold an open forum. It’s not an option

(24 Motts Mills road smiths falls on K7a4s5 , 2019-02-20)


I am a long time resident of this town. It is my opinion that council is making a big mistake in not listening to the local taxpayers on this issue.!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


It is important to me and my community

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-20)


I was born and raised in Smiths Falls. Although I live in Montague, my address is Smiths Falls. I work, shop and bank in Smiths Falls. I love our wide street with its angled parking. It's part of what makes SF unique.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I'm signing because I want Option 1.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I believe it is in the best interest of the town, to leave angle parking as is. I do not feel bike lanes are needed. And money should be spent on the eyesore of Confederation bridge and park to help the flow of traffic and could be used for a bike path

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I believe that parallel parking will limit the number of spaces available and will make it more difficult for elderly people to get out shopping as these spaces will be limited. Keeping smiths falls somewhat traditional is needed as this is the charm that attracts people here.

(Smith's Falls, 2019-02-20)


Keep this town traditional as this is why I have moved back.... other very dedicated citizens remain here because of how this town currently is... changing it will not attract more people to come nor will it make this town pleasurable to stay.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I grew up in Smiths Falls, I cottage near Smiths Falls (Otter Lake), I visit family in Smiths Falls numerous times a year, and I SHOP in Smiths Falls.

I feel Option 1 respects the traditional look and feel of Smiths Falls and is an expression of the uniqueness of the Town.

It seems to me that bike paths are not compatible with the use of Beckwith Street as a commercial artery, nor with it being a Provincial Highway. Surely it would make more sense to channel bike traffic along either or both of Maple Ave. and Market St.

I am surprised that the Town, in selecting Option 2, is not mindful of how successful small towns work to enhance and emphasize their unique characteristics –– Brockville, Cobourg and Port Hope all come to mind. Installing parallel parking on Beckwith Street will not only reduce on-street parking capacity, but it will also result in Beckwith Street looking like just about every other small town main street in Southern Ontario. I think that this would be a great loss.

(Trenton ON, 2019-02-20)


I’m signing because they did this behind everyone’s backs & I don’t appreciate being lied to.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-20)


To keep angle

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-20)


I grew up in Smiths Falls and the story of why our street was so wide was legendary and the envy of many towns and cities. We want our town to be known as a heritage town that is senor friendly. Why would we want to destroy this beautiful feature , I have a 1940 ‘s Smiths Falls phone book featuring the Main Street featuring the wide front street mentioning it when listing a main attraction. In the Who’s Who in 1924 Smiths Falls Book once again one of the main attractions mentioned again are our front street — why destroy this heritage. I also cannot picture a large number of seniors trying to parallel park at the same time with sidewalks alike lane and oncoming traffic and impatient drivers waiting to grab the next spot or get to the stoplight before it changes, an accident waiting to happen , road rage. I can envision people circling the blocks trying to grab a spot on Main Street. Why not keep and maintain our heritage starting with our beautiful extra wide streets with angle parking. Respectively Judy Kelly , a girl who grew up in Smiths Falls and a rural woman who shops , banks , attends church and other events in Smiths Falls and one who loves the angle parking .

(Lombardy, 2019-02-20)


Because things should just be left alone . I think the people have spoken on the subject!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


Keep angled parking!!!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


When we came here from Thunder Bay 30 years ago we had the option of moving to Carleton Place or Smiths Falls . After driving thru both we decided on Smiths Falls and one of the major differences was the beautiful wide Main Street .

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I believe Smiths Falls needs angled parking. We experience parallel parking in Perth all the time and it is not safe. You wait forever just to open your door and then hope no passing car rips it off.
Angled parking protects the driver and the passenger. It is much better if you receive a ding on the back of your car than hitting you.
I have never heard of an accident happening because of angled parking. It has worked for my seventy years and would continue to work.
Heritage is important and since my school days the front street in Smiths Falls has always been a special case and one to be proud of. Why must we fix what isn’t broken. Please reconsider this choice for parallel parking as it will be a huge mistake.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-20)


I grew up here and when I come home to visit I prefer angle parking it’s just part of the town it always has been and I’m hoping it always will be

(Kingston, 2019-02-20)


keep our angled parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-20)


keep our angle parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-20)


My family is from Smiths Falls and for many years my grandfather was Mayor. I grew up loving the charm and character of the town and some of that charm and character is the angled parking in the downtown area. Please don't take it away.

(Oakville, 2019-02-20)


I am signing because I was raised and grew up in Smith Falls and enjoy come home! The one thing that stands out about SF is Beckwith St. it's width and great parking! I have lived in many places and everyone has these narrow main streets! I think I saw a picture of SF 1926 with parallel parking - it is worth looking at (terrible) ! Best of luck

(Trenton, 2019-02-20)


I don’t want to see Parallel parking come to the downtown of Smiths Falls. Keep the Angeled parking !

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


Safety concern, wasted money

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I believe we should keep our angle parking.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I agree with this petition

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-20)


I am signing because Smith's Falls being my former home and I always considered the unique parking as one of the Smith's Falls signatures !

(Orleans, 2019-02-20)


I think angled parking is a unique part of the heritage of Smiths Falls.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


Leave the angle accommodates way more cars.easy in and out.
Respect the people's initial decision.

(Kemptville, 2019-02-20)


Because I want angled parking to stay

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


It’s such a great feature of our town.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-20)


To keep angle parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-20)


I don’t agree with parallel parking

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-20)


Because Pankow is not our voice to over rule the majority and the way he went about passing this parallel parking ordeal ! People had their say and it was angle , nothing was mentioned while running for Mayor about this to re open it !

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-21)


I’m not impressed the way the council is conducting business they are very sneaky and do what they want and nobody has a say only them.

(Lombardy , 2019-02-21)


I don't what the to change the street parking

(Smith's falls, 2019-02-22)


Keep angled parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-22)


I'm opposed to parallel parking on Beckwith St. Keep angled parking and figure out an alternative for bike lane if deemed necessary

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-22)


I do not feel this will benefit the disabled.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-22)


I shop and bank in Smiths Falls. I also worked here for 30 years and grew up here. Angle parking is so convenient and works well

(Athens, 2019-02-22)


I would not want to see the beautiful heritage of our streets change.
My home town!

(Perth, 2019-02-22)


I don't want parallel parking on beckwith street as it will imped traffic flow and will result in much less parking spots.

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-22)


I want the angle parking to remain I am 75 yrs old and wouldn't trust myself only to park angle the town has been this way since i was born. Totally against the parallel parking . IF IT HAPPENS I WILL NOT SHOP DOWNTOWN.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-22)


I want to keep the downtown core as it is with angle parking. This is a part of our heritage. Also, I do not support the way council went about making the decision to change the downtown.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-22)


1. The way council went about this was ridiculous and shady.
2. I own a business downtown and this will effect me and everyone else who owns a business downtown.
3. It takes away from our heritage. Our town has had angle parking for a very long time, it is a staple of our town.
There are many more reasons why it is a bad idea to change the downtown parking. Leave it alone and fix the other problems we have in our town.

(Smiths Falls, Ontario, 2019-02-23)


I don’t want parell parking in smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls was , 2019-02-23)


Keep the parking the way it is its park of Smith's falls

(Newbliss, 2019-02-24)


Wish to preserve angle parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-24)


Preserve angle parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-24)


I am signing because I was born and raised in Smiths Falls. Even though I reside out west now I come home every couple of years and am very proud to call Smiths Falls home. The angle parking is part of our heritage and needs to be preserved. Why would you want to destroy something that isn’t broken and be like every other town around. Smiths Falls is beautiful, leave Beckwith street alone!

(Edmonton, 2019-02-24)


We enjoy visiting Smiths Falls for its historic look and feel, which includes the old downtown look. We see enough of bike lanes and parallel parking in downtown Ottawa. Don't ruin your historic value by thinking it is necessary to 'modernize'. Embrace the charm of your town and keep it serene for your residents and us out-of-towners who truly enjoy it's lovely atmosphere.

(Limoges, 2019-02-24)


Consult with the people before you make decisions in their name

(Spencerville, 2019-02-25)


I believe that once Smiths Falls' Council allowed for public consultation, and a decision was made, you should not go back on this decision without further public consultation. To the best of my knowledge, nothing major changed from February 2018 to January 2019, except some council members.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-25)


I am signing this because I believe that Beckwith Street’s angled parking is part of Smiths Falls’s heritage.

I also believe that any reconfiguration involving parallel parking and bike lanes will greatly reduce the accessibility of the downtown core to those with Accessible Vehicle permits.

(Stittsville , 2019-02-25)


I shop in Smiths Falls and it is already hard to get parking here. We would loss parking spots that are hard to get now plus I am a disabled driver.

(Lombardy , 2019-02-25)


I’m signing because I’d prefer angled parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-26)


Dont think this is a responsible way to use tax dollars and support preserving the heritage of the town.

(New York, 2019-02-26)


I believe angled parking should be preserved and that the mayor needs to listen to the people and stop being dismissive and not continue with his own agenda and consider that parallel parking is not in the best interest of our town.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-27)