BUDDY'S PETITION - New Glasgow NS Animal Control is Out of Control



This is the tow of New Glasgow’s lazy way out. The second they knew the complaints were false they should have told the neighbour if they called again they would be charged for making false claims and that should have been the end of the story not the dog being punished for something he did not do!

Bev Mac (New Glasgow, 2019-05-31)


The dog has never shown any true aggression. It has been investigated and proven no risk.

Megan Renouf (Trenton, 2019-05-31)


I cant even understand this! This is harrassment to the dog and the dogs owner! I personally have 3 pitbulls and have never ever had a single complaint! This is simply wrong!

Brittany Leight (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


Because Its not right

Maya McPhee (Trenton, 2019-05-31)


I think this is a bunch of bullshit, the muzzle should be put on the A-hole doing the reporting, with lies and as for the SPCA in my opinion only help the lying asses and the abusers, So get real and leave that poor dog and the Pitbull alone, some people need to give there heads a shake, and need the dam Muzzles put on them

esther smith (trenton, 2019-05-31)


I believe this is so unfair, i hate stigmatizing against "bully breeds" i have a pit bull mix, german shepherd and a labrador retriever and of the 3 the lab wears a muzzle when in public because he is nervous and may bite.. this is prime example of how its not the breed... it depends all on the dogs history. Its not fair to make either of these dogs wear a muzzle without good reason.

Sarah Boutilier (Halifax , 2019-05-31)


Animals have rights too.

Breanna Macdonnell (Inverness, 2019-05-31)


I’m signing because it’s not fair to impose a sentence on an animal and it’s owner, without proof. People aren’t keeping wild animals as pets, they are keeping pets! If the same person made multiple complaints about the same dog, and the owners can prove that the dog in question was not there at the time the complaints are made about, maybe a muzzle is needed for the asshat making complaints. Sounds like harassment and bullying to me.
Kim Murray

Kim Murray (Salmon River , 2019-05-31)


This is a ridiculous abuse of power. If there is no proof other than one person's word then there should be an investigation, not a sentence!

Jennifer MacDonald (Pictou, 2019-05-31)


This is a disgrace. You protect your citizens by getting to the bottom of complaints being made. You find out the truth! You don't just pick the easiest way out and punish one (easily provable INNOCENT party) to allow yourself the freedom from being bothered by the other!

Jennifer Metler (Halifax, 2019-05-31)


I'm signing this because I think innocent dogs don't need muzzles !!! It's the inconsiderate people who just love taunting people & their pets for no good reason who deserve muzzles :(

Summer Malcolm (Wilmot, 2019-05-31)


I think this act is cruel to this animal. There is no proper evidence to support the decision except for a hateful neighbor who clearly lies. Reporting this dog when he wasn't in the province should have put up a red flag right away. Clearly this is wrong and needs to be fixed.

Wanda Draper (Truro, 2019-05-31)


This is just so very wrong,Buddy has done nothing wrong,maybe they should muzzle the neighbor,there are a lot of responsible,dog owners out there,nosy neighbors who don't like dogs,it's all the way wrong,

Ramona Deyoung (Salt springs ns, 2019-05-31)


Until the dog has proven to be aggressive, it should not have to be muzzled. This breed of dog does not have behaviour issues.

Darlene Colledge (Dartmouth , 2019-05-31)


This sounds like a situation that requires attention. I am a dog LOVER as well and have NEVER known a Golden to exhibit any of those traits being complained about. Obviously residents should be safe, but each case should be thoroughly evaluated. I hope this situation receives a fair outcome and Buddy can enjoy his time outside without a muzzle.

Cheryl Davidson (Calgary, 2019-05-31)


I used to live in New Glasgow and I am a dog lover.

Rick Parker (Hubbards, 2019-05-31)


I have dealt with animal control as well and know the bias.

Kevin Peterson (Westville, 2019-05-31)


This is absolutely ridiculous

Tammy Snow (Nine Mile River, 2019-05-31)


Its unfair what they are doing.

Charlene Greene (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


I have my own dog, Dexter, who is a sweetheart and would never hurt a fly. I would be devastated if this happened to him.

Jaymie White (Kippena, 2019-05-31)


I own to staffy and they are my babys would not hurt fly. And I would not want one of my babys to though this becouse a vindictive person wants to call animal control

Janine Stoyles (New Glasgow , 2019-05-31)


This is just wrong!

Myrna Burlock (Windsor, 2019-05-31)


I’m signing because this completely unfair treatment of Buddy, and any dog that is not proven to need a muzzle.

Mackenzie Devanney (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


Dog owner / lover. The muzzle order is an unfair way to treat a good behavior in our pets.

Kevin Hobbs (New Glasgow, NS, 2019-05-31)


I am a dog lover and am sickened by this story. Both dogs mentioned in this story aren't being given the chance to be a dog due to someone's closed minded opinion and prejudice against large breeds. This ridiculousness needs to end. Perhaps this animal control officer needs to have his job reviewed due to their blatant bias.

Angela Thompson (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


This as absolutely ridiculous. This should be investigated before a ban is issued!!

Wanda Cane (Lunenburg, 2019-05-31)


Animals are not out of control..people are...put a nuzzle on the one complaining...Really !!!!! Angry that it comes to this..I called animal control when I lived in New Glasgow about a dog that was starving tied to a tree in the dead heat of summer many neighbors did NOTHING DONE ..SO pick and choose your cases wisely animal control!!!!!!!

Joanne Foley (Truro, 2019-05-31)


This is ridiculous and so not fair to this poor dog

Anna MacLean (Dartmouth , 2019-05-31)


I’m signing because I feel that Buddy’s neighbour is a man who’s Mental health needs to checked out. There isn’t a more gentle and lovable breed of dog on the face of the earth. The other neighbours should be polled and asked if Buddy is the uncontrollable, terrifying animal this loose cannon neighbour claims that he is. Even to laying complaints against Buddy when he’s out of the province. That is just pathetic!

Paula Balesdent (Plymouth NS, 2019-05-31)


This is not right. Demand better! No more muzzle for Buddy

Lorelei George (Antigonish, 2019-05-31)


This is not acceptable

Andy Carver (Halifax , 2019-05-31)


I'm signing because of this one person so many suffer needlessly. Look at the complaints and treat the person who is the most guilty.

David MacLean (Westville, 2019-05-31)


This is not Justus. A thorough investigation is needed before any animal or human is deemed guilty. Do your job or leave this position.

Don Mansfield (Sydney,C.B., 2019-05-31)


This is OUTRAGEOUS, how could anyone take a sweet dog away from his/her owner. Poor thing is probably so depressed. Bring this dog back to his owner!

Erin Pettipas (Halifax, 2019-05-31)


This is sad to think they are going to make him muzzle Buddy to make the neighbour happy.

Christina Shay (HALIFAX , 2019-05-31)


These requirements of Buddy and the muzzle is totally ludicrous! Muzzle the neighbor and leave Buddy alone!

Kathryn Sangster (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


i agree

Beatrice Rae (pictou, 2019-05-31)


Having dogs of my own i can understand how heartbreaking it for your animal— family member to be falsely accused

Reanne Wadsworth (Wilmot, NS, 2019-05-31)


I’m signing because there are too many prissy people with sticks so far up their asses they think the dogs are gonna dig it out. No good boy deserves to be treated like a bad one. I hate kids, and yet, no one has to leash their kids because I don’t want them running around my feet. People gotta get over themselves and learn to love a dog. Just pathetic.

Sadie Pitts (Halifax, 2019-05-31)


Leashing I’d accept but good dogs being punished simply because people are vengeful or paranoid, that goes too far.

Deb Tobin (Central Onslow, 2019-05-31)


This is outrageous. The neighbour needs a muzzle, not the dog. I would think you would need proof and evidence that the dog is in fact a danger to the public.

Allison Cahoon (Bridgewater, 2019-05-31)


A responsible pet owner is being unfairly treated and poor Buddy has never showed aggression and both are being punished because of the word of a troublesome neighbor this is not right this is how unreasonable laws are papped

Helen Jamieson (Eureka , 2019-05-31)


I had a golden retriever for 14 years they are the most gentle dogs I would fight this in court before I would put a muzzle on my pet .someone has to stop this idiot .

Elinor Mcelwee (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


I'm signing because there is zero evidence or reason for this dog to be muzzled this blows my mind they would even consider doing anything. Just by the word of one STUPID man's mouth.

Alyssa Greening (Porters lake, 2019-05-31)


One person reporting repeatedly is not an issue with the dog, it's an issue with the idiot who keeps reporting! Get your info straight before you put undue stress on the wrong life.

Amanda Jean (Halifax, 2019-05-31)


Poor pup wrongfully accused of something he didn't do. He wasn't even in the probince when said incudent occured...Shame on that ill mannered neighbor and Animal Control..shame in you!!! I vote NO MUZZLE!!!!

Veronica MacDonald (Antigonish, 2019-05-31)


I feel this is wrong, if there is no proof buddy was aggressive or bit someone; why should he be punished, unfair to make this poor boy wear a muzzle; try it yourself & see how you feel. Should be looking deeper into situation, before making a decision like that. Somehow, I don't think buddy has and aggressive bone in his body

Dawn Ringer (Shelburne, 2019-05-31)


I am signing this because I think it is cruel to punish a dog who has done nothing wrong.

Ashlee Roy (Halifax, 2019-05-31)


bull crap.people cabn't knid there damn bussiness.

Richie Jr. Rae (pictou, 2019-05-31)


Buddy and his owner deserve better. I had been considering moving to this area in recent years, but after hearing many other stories like this, I decided it is not possible. I would never put my pet in harm’s way, which is exactly what I’d be doing moving to an area with such close-minded and ignorant residents and workers.

Amanda Styles (Sydney Mines , 2019-05-31)


I'm sighning because I feel this is abuse on Buddy also any animal that has not attacted or bitten anyone. Why should a animal be treated this way. If this man mussled his dog of his own free will for this lengh of time you have said he would be charged with animal curlety. This action is wrong especially if there was no proof
f that Buddy attacked or chased with intention to hurt anyone. Please let Buddy and other animals alone to be animals unless you have more then just someones complaints to be hasty against the Owner/ Owners.

Teresa Fanning (Westville, 2019-05-31)


This is not just or fair. Let's see the proof

Autumn Betts (Pictou, 2019-05-31)


The dog has done nothing wrong and should not be punished because of one hateful bitter person trying to get their way. Innocent until proven guilty is right! The man should be fined for wasting animal controls time with no proof of anything.

Angela Sutherland (NEW GLASGOW, 2019-05-31)


This just isn’t right. That poor animal.

Madelaine Harris (Dartmouth , 2019-05-31)


In the past I have owned Goldens and unless he has a very unusual dog I believe this guy. I was told once that these online petitions don't hold much weight...if not he should try another avenue
Don't muzzle your dog. People will help you pay the fines

Annie Bennett (Kemptown, 2019-05-31)


This is outrageous and the person making all these accusations should be given a fine for harassment and false accusations.

Haley Muise (Stellarton, 2019-05-31)


Multiple baseless and unproven complaints should result in action against the mendacious accuser, not the innocent dog.

Ali Machum (Bangs Falls, Nova Scotia, 2019-05-31)


Fire the animal control worker and find a lawyer to sue the municipality and the troublesome neighbours.

Deana Dixon (Halifax, 2019-05-31)


I’m signing this because I am a dog lover also, and not only that, I have been on the opposite end of things as well, witnessing my own son be attacked by a Rottweiler that outweighed him by roughly 70lbs, and I still believe that dogs have rights, when one has done wrong then so be it, but when you have wonderful dogs out there that have done no harm, they should not be treated like this.

Sarah Wentzell (Lunenburg, 2019-05-31)


Dogs need a voice too

Jenny Cameron (New Glasgow , 2019-05-31)


I think this is unjust and immoral. No investigation into the cause of the report, Just....Muzzle Order. Seems to me that the Officer in question should be removed from his position and jailed....JUST BECAUSE I feel that way. No difference for an animal. This is HORRIBLE!!

Glenn Gay (Glace Bay, 2019-05-31)


Innocent until proven guilty, NOT guilty until proven innocent!

Why is one residents comfort (in this case, the complaints) more important than that of the dog owners in these cases? I personally would be very uncomfortable having my dog muzzled / punished for something they haven’t done! Shame on you NG Animal control AND the town of NG for allowing this to happen!

Heather Gordon (Mill Brook, Pictou County, 2019-05-31)


I dont agree with the way this was handled. Wish it was as easy to muzzle a neighbor

Carla Quinn (New Glasgow , 2019-05-31)


This should not be happening -maybe Animal Control should be observing the dog(s) and their behaviour before taking muzzle action...

Chris DeCoste (Dartmouth, 2019-05-31)


Lift the muzzle order !

Breah Mason Riley (New Harbour , 2019-05-31)


The neighbor obviously has issues and they are not related to the dog. Complaining about the dog roaming when they weren’t in the Province is crazy. This poor dog doesn’t deserve to be muzzled

Juanita Johnston (Port Hawkesbury , 2019-05-31)


I’m signing because animal / or person should be innocent till proven guilty. Having someone maliciously malign your name and that of your dog just because they can make trouble by anonymously phoning in a complaint which can be a full on blatant lie is NOT acceptable ! Just because a neighbour does not like you or your dog or animal is no reason for that animal to suffer ... this time under a muzzle law ... only to satisfy a neighbour ours lie of being afraid etc with no basis for that lie !

Gail Davis-Mercer (Cupids , 2019-05-31)


This isn’t right and should be handled correctly.

Netonia Nickerson (Guysborough , 2019-05-31)


This is how these city entities work and it's ridiculous, one person can cause so much havoc because they feel like it!

Angela Faulkner (halifax, 2019-05-31)


Unless there has been a PROVEN acrbof aggression or violence by ANY animal they should not be subjected to such heinous restrictions...MUZZLE THE NIEGHBORS

Corinna Acker (New Jersey, 2019-05-31)


I'm signing this because I don't think that neighbor should have the ability to dictate how this gentle dog is treated, unless he can prove the dog is vicious. I am originally from New Glasgow and am dismayed that these things happen in my hometown.

Avis Holt (MARYVILLE, 2019-05-31)


This should not happen to a dog that has done nothing .

Peggy Crouse (Bridgewater , 2019-05-31)


Inhumane treatment of an animal and an over zealous animal control officer.

Denitra Kyle (South Bar, 2019-05-31)


I am so sick and tired of hearing stories just like this one. Why do the poor dogs have to be treated this way because some idiot gets a charge out of making other peoples lives miserable. Maybe these idiots need to be the ones who need to muzzled.

Janet Macdonald ( Windsor NS, 2019-05-31)


This is ludicrous!!!! Maybe muzzle the damn complainer!

Rhonda H (Dartmouth , 2019-05-31)


We went through a similar experience in Truro where someone complained about our Shepherd- and similarly we and our dog were away at our cottage at the time the alleged issue occurred. Fortunately our ACO supported us. Why is power being given to bullies and your ACO should be removed from the position

Bernadette Frank (Apple River, NS, 2019-05-31)


This is not right, Animal Control should do better than this..... Shameful

Chris Campbell (Florence, 2019-05-31)

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