

I live in this area, this relocation raises serious concerns specifically for our children in and around the area with multiple schools etc.
The areas proposed are in close proximity to all residents old and young, raising some serious crime related concerns. Boston has increased crime stats year on year, this has the ability to only increase this exponentially.

I am STRONGLY opposed to either, but more so ROSS Street. This is right in our residential area.

A very conerned Boston Resident
Cheryl van Zyl

Cheryl Van Zyl (Bellville , 2023-11-09)


I'm signing this petition because there has to be a better option.

CI Grobler (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I am a concerned resident of Boston.

Melissa Crowder (Boston Bellville , 2023-11-09)


I, the undersigned, resident of Boston, Bellville, hereby express my strong opposition to the proposed relocation of the Safe Space facility to the corner of Smal and Rhos Street as detailed in the recent public notice issued by the City.

Helena Nothling (Cape Town, 2023-11-09)


I strongly oppose the proposed safe space in or near Boston, Bellville

Elmarie Bosch (Cape Town, 2023-11-09)


I own and live at a property in Boston, which will be negatively impacted by this reallocation through the reduction of safety, security and property values.

Hermanus Smit (Boston, Bellville , 2023-11-09)


I strongly oppose the relocation of the Safe Space to Boston.

Marié Archer (Boston, 2023-11-09)


We dont need more disruption.

Monica Greyling (Boston , 2023-11-09)


I am against the proposal

Julian Harrison (Boston, 2023-11-09)


I believe this will affect the quality of living in the area and due to this my property will decrease in value.

Antoinette Venter (Boston, 2023-11-09)


This is a recidential area and not suitable for placing refugees. We want to feel safe in our neighborhood and as it is already being a spot for petty crime we cannot agree to this inconsiderate plan of City of Cape Town. I strongly object to this rediculous idea.

Dalene Cooper (Boston Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I so not think that it's safe for the residents in area to have this close to their homes. This will not contribute to the community.

David Oelofse (Boston, 2023-11-09)


I do not think it's a good idea to have people staying in those areas. Sure there are more suitable places for them

Tyler Glaus (Boston , 2023-11-09)


More crime in area. Schools to close

Altus Van niekerk (Cape town, 2023-11-09)


I'm signing the petition against the relocation of the safe space facility to Boston, Bellville because the facility will lead to an increase in traffic and endangering the safety of our children. There is also an increased risk of crime affecting the lives of the residents. The property value will be negatively affected be this relocation. I recommend that the City identifies an alternative venue outside of the Boston, Bellville area to accommodate the safe space

Trevor Daniels (Boston, 2023-11-09)


Boston is NOT the place for a homeless shelter

Brendon Snygans (Cape Town, 2023-11-09)


I'm a resident and homeowner in 3rd Avenue Boston.

Leane De Lange (Boston, Bellville, Cape Town, 2023-11-09)


I want a safe environment for us and our children. The proposed ideas of moving the safe space to either places on bellville will have herendous effects. Crime is already an issue. How many more muggings and robberies do you want? Because this will definitely increase. What about schoolchildren from DF Malan and Totius who needs safe streets to walk home?

Prostitution, drugs, theft and loads of not only petty crime is already happening. This will increase drastically. I do not want this for our suburb! Keep boston clean. Keep boston safe.

Tanya Murray (Boston, bellville, 2023-11-09)


I am concerned

Roan Coetzee (Cape Town, 2023-11-09)


I do not agree with the Safe space relocating to Boston, Bellville

Selene Obery (Boston, Bellville, 2023-11-09)


Crime will increase significantly, therefore noooooo.

Andre Snygans (Capetown , 2023-11-09)


I’m highly opposed to more homeless people in Boston. It will further compromise our safety and security.

Elsa Pretorius (Boston, 2023-11-09)


Crime is high in the area as it is.

Alwyn de Vos (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I'm signing because this is not the place to relocate these people. This will affect the Boston neghbourhood negatively and there is a real possibility it could grow and become unmanagable, nevermind the deteriation of the area surrounding this encampment.

Bruce Dando (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I oppose the move of the Safe Space community to Boston. It is a ressidential area and it is not suitable for such a community. Crime can increase in the area

Jeanne Jacobs (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


It's a definite NO, it will depreciate property value and attract crime

Bobby Bell (Bellville , 2023-11-09)


I totally agree with all the comments, issues and concerns raised in the letter by Mr Kassner

Hendrik Radyn (Boston, Bellville, 2023-11-09)


This is a family friendly community space that prides itself in clean and tidy gardens, spaces children can play in parks etc.

Truida Meyer (Cape town , 2023-11-09)


Do not want safety to be taken away.

Armand Swart (Bellville , 2023-11-09)


I’m signing because I object against the Paint City relocation to Boston. This will compromise the safety, security, and well-being of existing residential area.
This will cause the property in the area to loose value.

Lizelle Janse van Rensburg (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


Security is already a problem. I don't want it to become even worse.

Loekie la Grange (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I strongly oppose the relocation of Safe Space to the Boston area. Our area is being used as a dustbin for the city. Retired people, children and all other residents' safety is being compromised. Already the borders of Boston are being flooded with illegal people who have their trading spots shoulder to shoulder and some even live around the area in the bush or river banks or parks.

Trudy Pieterse (Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I'm signing because there are already too many people, that's up to no good, daily roaming the streets of Boston.

Some people ask for food, some for clothes, but mostly they ask for money to be able to sleep in the shelter.

I try to help where I can, but it is becoming too much.
With the shelter moving closer, it will be unbearable.

And I'm only referring to the people who actually ask for help - please take in concideration the people who are trespassing and helping themselves to Boston residents' belongings while they are at work.

A shelter for the homeless should be located on land where there are space for these people to become self-sufficient - for instance, vegetable gardening & a repair workshop.
The community will gladly contribute to helping in such regard, as long as it means that the people are occupied and off the streets during the day.

Letitia Heins (Boston , 2023-11-09)


I'm a property owner in Boston

Clair Edson (Bellville , 2023-11-09)


I do not support the relocation

Timmothy Eloff (Boston Bellville, 2023-11-09)


I am a home owner and tax payer, have been living in Boston for 22 years and strongly oppose the relocation of the 'Safe Space' to our neighbourhood.

Mia Breet (Cape Town, 2023-11-09)


We as residents in this area already go above and beyond paying rates and taxes to ensure that the area is descent, safe and maintained. Aince the fence is implemented crime has dropped and its easy to manage. We have nothing against safe haves and understand the situation the country finds itself in but allowing this within an established community and area opens door to possible theft and then increase in insurance due to claims, increased roaming around in the area and kids and residents feeling unsafe and not comfortable outside of their homes. Property valuations will drop.

Delphine Abdulla (Vredelust. Bellville, 2023-11-10)


I live in Boston and am opposed to this being in Boston. So much degradation has already happened, is happening - illegally in Boston, to bow add this is a travesty for all property owners and all who live here.

Tracy Starke (Boston, Cape Town, 2023-11-10)


I strongly oppose to the relocation to Rhos street.

Nadja Lubbe (Cape Towm, 2023-11-10)


I feel strongly against the changes

Gerrit Nothling (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


The proposal is inconsiderate of the community it will effect. This is a residential area not a squatter camp. The amount of homeless is already exceeding the ability of the community to support them.

Werner Malherbe (Joostenville, 2023-11-10)


We already have a big problem with homeless people in Boston. Many turn to crime and bring drugs into our community. It will de-value our properties and compromise our safety and livelyhoods.
We as rate & tax payers cannot and will not allow this to happen.
Think carefully before you proceed.

Gregory Esterhuysen (Cape Town, 2023-11-10)


The city is destroying neighbourhoods. Why dont the people that want to accomodate refugees do so in their own homes? Or own neighbourhoods?

Nicki De wet (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


I agree with the petition.

Niel Smith (Boston, Bellville , 2023-11-10)


One is to scare to leave your home. Everything is just a total mess in the streets

Helena Brand (Boston Bellville , 2023-11-10)


I am concerned about safety of my family and fellow neighbours, my home.

Natalie Roux-Coe (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


It is not necessary to compromise existing communities that have put a lot of time, effort and money into building their community, safety and general wellbeing to relocate these type of safe spaces given other viable city and government owned land. There must be other, beter suited options. The Boston community is already contributi g extra via the BCID on top of our monthly rates to safeguard and beautify our community. A decision like this by the city would negatively impact all of the that effort and money.

Johan Retief (Bellville , 2023-11-10)


Why inside an residential area that is stable? Bringing in people that you don’t know who they are, where they from, what their history is and why in Boston? Turning Boston into a squatter camp is not fair to the residence but spiteful and destructive. We will not except it, be sure we will fight it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wille Viljoen (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


I don't this is the correct location

Lynn Mathieson (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


To safe guard our safety and security within our community.

Nathan Magerman (Boston, 2023-11-10)


I’m signing this because this will lead to an increase in crime, increase in disease and unhygienic circumstances, stench and resulting decrease in property values!

Mark Human (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


For the safety and security of my family.

Mishce Daniels (Bellville, Boston, 2023-11-10)


I have a business located in boston and I’m concerned about how the relocation will affect the safety of clients, propety and employee’s

Ben van Wyk (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


The proposed relocation of the Safe Space facility poses significant concerns that threaten to disrupt the fabric of our neighborhood.

Stephan Bredenhann (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


I am opposed to the degradation of our residential area which is sure to follow.

Andre Meade (Cape Town, 2023-11-10)


I am gatvol that everything from us south african citizens are taking away and given to the intruders in our country. The SOMALIANS IS TAKING OVER IN BELLVILLE. why cant they be drported back to their own country. They are lawless and above the law. The places they rent is filthy. Send them back!!!!

Antoinette Swart (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


I am living in Boston, and it could be a problem arising for the safety of my kids

Elize Botha (Cape Town, 2023-11-10)


Please find alternative accommodation for these people. This move will directly affect our neighborhood in a negative way as crime will definitely increase.we already have a steady stream of people walking around and committing crime.

Michelle Jansen (Boston , 2023-11-10)


I hereby express our strong opposition to the proposed relocation of the Safe Space facility to the corner of Smal and Rhos Street as detailed in the recent public notice issued by the City.

Piet Helm (Cape Town, 2023-11-10)


I strongly oppose the relocation of the safe space facility to Bellville
It is non-other than creating a refugee camp!
Bellville already suffer with countless illegal immigrants that have settled in Boston.
This is a NO GO!
What is the DA thinking about!!!?!

Tabita Viljoen (Bellville , 2023-11-10)


Safe Space facilities not to be relocated to Boston, Bellville

Theunis Naude (Cape Town, 2023-11-10)


This will bring more crime and social problems to the area

Jacques De Villiers (Cape Town , 2023-11-10)


There is no long term plan in place to integrate the person's into the community, and historically such arrangements lead to an increase in lawlessness which the authorities cannot control currently.

Richard Mathieson (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


The move of the people into a developed area by homeless people / foreigners/vagrants living on the street will impact the value of the property in Boston negatively.Furthermore the security risks will also increase and i am already feel not safe to walk after dark or drive after sunset.Please find accommodation south of Voortrekker Road.

Matt Stopka (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


Because I also reside at my girl friends house in 6th avenue and feel the community has gone to the dogs in the last few years...regarding unlawful establishment and illegal vigelants roaming the streets in the day...its a residential area well suppose to be but your suggestion is just going th bring in more hassles never-ending the health risk and pollution...I feel it must be in an industrial area as where the bellville dumps are... so NO I DONT AGREE....

Larry Harding (Parow, 2023-11-10)


I dont want safe house in Boston.

G Martin (Bellville, 2023-11-10)


I care about our neighborhood and the safety of her people and children. I have been staying in Bellville for 60 years and it hurts me to no end to see her down grade over the last number of years.

Gwen Wiid (Boston, 2023-11-10)


There are a lot of various children walking to school. Definitely not safe. This is definitely not and upgrade for our area. We are already struggling to get strangers and ladies of the night out of our area.

Elizka Hendrikse (Boston, Bellville, 2023-11-11)


Please parliament do your job properly what you get paid for that. Why must the people already suffer under CCT BILLE FORECE TO JOIN PRIVATE SECURITY COMP AND NO POLICE IS VISSIBLE WHEN NEEDED.
Why must we suffering under this.

Daniel Jacobs (Bellville, 2023-11-11)


Crime will increase, litter in the area will increase, more homeless people will come towards Boston.
This will not be good to our neighborhood

Milandre De Weerdt (Bellville, 2023-11-11)


I am not in favour of the entrance of relocation in a zone of Boston already ridden with crime.

Johan Barkhuizen (Boston, Bellville, Cape Town, 2023-11-11)

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