Installation of speed humps on two main roads connecting Roodekop ext 31 to Katlehong

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Installation of speed humps on two main roads connecting Roodekop ext 31 to Katlehong

2024-04-14 20:24:43


Sam Moshoeshoe, a concerned resident of Roodekop ext 31

Speed humps installation update in Roodekop ext 31

2024-03-18 03:17:59

Good morning fellow residents,  the update on the above is that the petition has been now handed over to the petition committee on the 12th of March 2024, I will follow up about the TAT of the committee with Cllr Samantha. At the moment I will urge residents who didn't had an opportunity to sign the petition to do so to further highlight our safety concerns as community on the mentioned roads.

Thank you once again for your time and efforts in signing up the petition.

Kind regards. 

Sam Moshoeshoe, a concerned resident of Roodekop ext 31

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