Ban Tail Docking on Dogs in Ireland

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Ban Tail Docking on Dogs in Ireland.



2013-11-16 11:29

Will share this on our outsider magazine fb page and include in next issue.



2013-11-16 11:45

BAN tail docking in Ireland now!
No one should be be given the legal right to cause unnecessary pain and distress to any animal in this country or abroad for that matter. HELP STOP this barbaric practice NOW!



2013-11-16 12:01

This is such a cruel and unnecessary practice. Please ban it completely.



2013-11-16 12:22

When I found out about this, I was actually in a state of shock. How can a state go so massively BACKWARD in welfare in this day and age? This can NEVER end well. I have seen what people already do to their animals, and when that goes wrong they dump them and leave them to fend for themselves or for a rescue to find. This is ridiculous, I seriously suggest at the very least they go back to requiring a vet to do the procedures. The people that pass and create these policies are meant to be educated, aware individuals. However, when things like this are passed, it makes it very clear that this may not be the case.



2013-11-16 12:40

are we now barbaric? This is wrong wrong wrong!!!!



2013-11-16 12:57

One word for this "BARBARIC"



2013-11-16 13:03

This is absolutely DISGUSTING! These poor pups feel pain like every other animal (which fyi includes humans!). If for some reason this procedure needs to be done, it should be carried out by vets. Trained professionals using the proper tools and medicines to keep the dog healthy!



2013-11-16 13:04

If its going to be done it should be done by a professional not just any old Joe soap who hasn't got a clue what theyre doing, its cruel.



2013-11-16 13:04

Barbaric and cruel.



2013-11-16 13:12

this is monsterous and no one has the right to amputate limbs from animals ,disgusting



2013-11-16 13:12

If it was completely stopped it would force some breeds in to extinction
Rottweilers with tails couldnt be given away ,.



2013-11-16 13:13

PLEASE stop this barbaric act..... It makes no sense whatsoever!!!!!!



2013-11-16 14:02

This is an absolute disgrace. I cannot believe what I am reading. This barbaric law needs to be stopped immediately !!!!!! I have no faith in the human animal anymore disgusting !!!!



2013-11-16 14:33

What an absolute abhorrent, cruel idea. This sets animal welfare back 20 years. Shame on you minister.



2013-11-16 14:36

It's cruel! Please stop it



2013-11-16 14:42

This is an unnecessary practice. Why would they allow people with no background in veterinary medicine to do this? Horrific.



2013-11-16 14:51




2013-11-16 15:13

Ban this barbaric practise! It's old fashioned and out dated and banned by major world Kennel Clubs!



2013-11-16 15:40

This is a barbaric practice of no benefit to any dog. Cant believe that any animal could be at risk of pure butchery at the hands of persons untrained or otherwise due to this Bill. Unbelievable that such a practice should ever be considered.



2013-11-16 16:42

I cannot believe what I am reading. Are we going back in time? At the moment people are still docking the tails of puppies and dogs without any anaesthetic and causing horrific pain, sometimes even death when infections set in, and you want to make this legal. If you look through the ages you will see that nationalities who are cruel to animals inevitably are cruel to humans. They lose empathy. I think that this country is heading in the wrong direction. If you can be cruel to an animal, you can be cruel to anyone and anything, it hardens you. We should be teaching our children that cruelty of any kind is wrong. This was stopped for a reason, that reason has not changed. It's always the same. Ban Tail docking completely, it is totally unnecessary.



2013-11-16 16:57

This should be stopped its so wrong and cruel



2013-11-16 17:04

I think this is a disgusting practise!!!!



2013-11-16 17:11

I think this is digraceful that they could legalise this horrible practise!!! Its digusting!!!



2013-11-16 17:12

some one should do the same torture on the people that carry these acts out. what is f...n wrong with people



2013-11-16 17:23

This practice is inhumane and should be stopped