Keep Coach Scott


/ #4

2015-03-28 18:30

Tron has a huge passion for basketball.  I believe he is the one responsible for starting the youth basketball program that North Polk now has.  My husband has helped work with some of the players in the past and our family has gone to numerous North Polk games (My kids do not attend North Polk) to show our support.  I have never seen him act in a manner that is unfit for a coach.  I read a comment somewhere that said Tron needed to stop treating the players like he does his own kids.  Actually, that is exactly how I would want him to treat my children.  He pushes his children to do their best, he teaches them to respect authority, work hard, and with that comes rewards in life.  He also loves and adores his children.  I have 4 children in various youth sports.  We have had coaches that are kind and just want the kids to have fun and then we have had coaches that actually expect our kids to work hard and give it their all.  There were times when my kids didn't think the sport was so fun anymore because of what they were expected to do or because their coach got after them, but in the end my children were challenged and as a result grew because of it.  Tron only pushes because he knows some of those kids can do and be more.