Dress Code Swampscott Middle School

From someone who actually follows the dress code!

/ #73

2015-04-16 19:04

Let's get this one thing strait. This is the best thing the school has come up with. All of you girls are seriously going to complain about a stupid dress code?  And you made a petition about it? I can't believe the ways some of your parents let you out of the house! It is your fault and whoever bought your clothing. I know many girls that are going to wear short shorts tomorrow...I would love to see you get detention. Wearing booty shorts is mainly just wearing denim underwear. This is not the way a young lady should dress. You shouldn't wear dark red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, dress like someone from a trailer park because that is the definition of white trash. This petition is plain stupid. At least make a petition on something actually important. And you can survive the next 2 months without sweating or dying to death of the heat. We don't live in California for crying out loud. I'm sure that you can survive. What if we misunderstood Mr.Murphy. What if it was still arm length? Or what if we made a mistake of hearing. My opinion on a dress code for girls: Arm length shorts,skirts, and dresses, no sexual clothing items, no sexist, racist, or inappropriate shirts, no tube tops or camis. If you agree with this dress code please reply. If you are upset because your gurdian spent tons of money on clothes don't blame them for buying them blame yourself for choosing.so suck it up buttercup and deal with it. It's not the schools choice it's the districts choice! Do you see a kindergartener running around in booty shorts, red lipstick, and a racist shirt? NO YOU DO NOT!!! And you have all summer long to wear your denim underwear! At least have modest clothing on.these companies should not be selling half of the clothing items to young girls! From shirts with backs that dip down to necklines that belong on a stripper dress. We are not barbies, strippers, pole dancers, trailer park trash, we are young beautiful modest women.