Jackie's Wine Memorial Cross

Quoted post



2015-05-28 12:44

Did the family talk to the property owners before putting the cross at the accident site, or was it just assumed it would be okay? I'm sure it was not done with any intent to upset the family but if there's a two week policy it should be followed unless other arrangements and permissions were granted. Too many of these roadside memorials turn into trashy looking junk collections.


Catherine Wine


2015-05-28 23:05:21

#13: -  

 If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Roadside crosses are very meaningful to families who are grieving. Maybe you don't understand that because of your opinion on them, but that is the exact spot my mother took her last breath. It is a respect thing to leave them alone, not to throw them in the garbage, how would you feel if you were in any of our shoes? I'm sure you would be upset as well. And in today's society, that's what people do they set up crosses. The Charleston Township Hall had no right to take it down when it isn't their property, the road commission said it's standard procedure to leave them up, unless it is a roadside hazard and in this case it was not. Either sign the petiton to help us to put it up, or don't express your opinion at all. 

pissed off son

#36 Re:

2015-05-29 16:15:23

#13: -  

 To the troll who left this comment, please let me know your name so I could talk about this face to face with you. I would love to hear your reasoning, in person, not behind a keyboard


Thanks Eric Wine


#44 Re:

2015-06-03 11:51:39

#13: -  

 You must not ever have had someone die tragiclly....You're  just as heartless as the asshats that took her memorial down. Shame on you


#46 Re:

2015-06-04 07:44:04

#13: -  

 first they did not even wait two weeks as they said and it was state property not his to ask or to remove he had no right  as he falt it had something to do with the race track so to him he hated it ..