Brenda Hixenbaugh

#176 Animal Cruelty From Shelter Staff Is Out Of Control

2010-11-19 07:44

Apparently the Animal Control Staff is above the law. The records of the countless abuse, cruelty, and murder of helpless loving trusting animals, commited by those that are suposed to offer shelter to these loving creatures, but obiously don't. And as in Tyhsons case, this was nothing more than a wanton murder. They knew they had this dear little thing and delibertly fixed it so they could murder him without interuption. How vile can these people possibly get? Do they not know shame? We the people must clean out these rats from their hiding places of shelters and pounds and oust them before all the world as the contemptable bar baric ruthless unfeeling poor excuses for human beings that they are and any and all that make it possible for them to remain unhampered in their cruel sic actions. What is wrong with this picture? Why would they go so far over board to prevent a lost animal to return to those that love it? How sic are these critters? They talk about Parvo and they have to destroy the animal. Well there are some human speicies that have human parvo and I think they inthe best interest of all should also be euthenized. Fair is Fair. And Right is Right.Their Damming mind set to destroy all is past sic, they must be held accountable and I hope these vile things( Everyone of them) get drug into court. They need held accountable for all that they contributed to Sweet Tysons Murder. I keep saying Murder because that is exactly what it was, Tysons Murder.
Lora Nunn


2010-11-23 21:50

As a dog owner, I received my dog as a gift...was it from GOD...who knows, one day as my daughter was in her classroom teaching, a girl ran inside crying that there was a boy outside kicking & throwing the dog against the wall, so my daughter ran outside & got the dog & put him in her car, then she called me & wanted me to take him bfore the dogpound came for him...she told me of a story about another dog that she had witness a harsh captured & didn't want this one to go thru the same ordeal...so I said Yes, bring him to me...& she did...now he lives in harmony.w/me...We have to be more careful for our animals, just like our children...there are preditors out there...I'm so sorry for what had happened to Tyson...
Sarah Locke


2010-11-26 12:32

This is pure ignorance and a loving, healthy dog suffered a great injustice at the hands of those who should help him. It is so disheartening knowing how many ignorant people are still out there.
Jen Komatsu

#179 Disgusted

2010-12-04 15:11

I cannot believe that Animal Control Officers, who are supposed to follow set guidelines so that lost animals will be returned to their owners, instead decided to simply kill a dog they knew nothing about. They obviously disobey the law regularly, as this case was only revealed because of the tremendous efforts exerted by volunteers to find Tyson. Who knows how many other heartbreaking stories are hidden here. Officer Disano and his cohorts should immediately be fired.

#181 Disano, How could you?

2010-12-24 01:47

As an Animal Control Officer myself, I ask, HOW COULD YOU? I cry everyday because of what YOU did to Tyson. This dog did not deserve to die. You are no longer suited to perform the job you were hired to do. I will not let you do this to another animal. You need to resign and get a job where you can not destroy precious life. SHAME ON YOUR PROVIDENCE ANIMAL CONTROL. SHAME ON YOU MICHAEL DISANO. Cruel, insensitive and ignorant are just a few of the words I would use to describe you. Are you that LAZY that you could not do the right thing and follow the laws to protect animal? Within hours of Tyson escaping from his new owner, YOU, MICHAEL DISANO KILLED HIM. You stated you called the dog to come to you and Tyson did. Were you awaken out of bed to to an overtime call? Just look at your annual salary and the OT you get and tell me, tell all of us, why you couldn't take the time to bring Tyson to a Vet and make an effort to locate his owner?? You make me sick. As an experienced ACO, I can tell you that your colleagues think it's time for you to go. You are not doing this job right. You not helping the animals. You are simply a LIAR AND A KILLER. Rest in peace sweet dog. You are an innocent victim and will never be forgotten. Tyson, I will speak for you and will not stop.

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2010-12-25 00:29

paula trafford

#185 Tyson

2010-12-27 16:19

i am so angry at the way pitbulls get treated. these are beautiful dogs and should be loved and respected. not abused and gassed