Kalydeco and Orkambi: Our Cystic Fibrosis Warriors fight for life saving wonder drugs Orkambi and Kalydeco.



2016-11-14 22:55

Every child deserves good health. Xxx



2016-11-14 22:56

I signed this as my next-door neighbors 3 year old boy has CF and I see the daily worries and concerns they have for the future of their precious son



2016-11-14 23:15

A friend has a 13 year old daughter with C.F.. would love to see these drugs made available for them



2016-11-14 23:40

I have seen the improvement ( my grand son)!who has had access to Kalydeco for almost 4 years. He is 19 now and I wish he was able to have this when younger. It makes so much sense to give it to younger children, so preventing the continuing deterioration in lungs and other organs. Please give these children a chance!



2016-11-14 23:50

Stop making people beg, and give Kalydeco. It's a super drug and saves so much other money on various nebuliser machine, drugs to go in the nebs, home iv drugs, extra oral antibiotics, hospital appointments when a child could otherwise be healthy on Kalydeco, save hospital time for other people. It's petty not to give it to the remaining 18. Let them see a normal life.



2016-11-14 23:52

I've seen the difference this drug can make to someone with CF........please sign the petition so that Chloe and other children and young adults can get this life changing drug. Thank you.



2016-11-15 00:24

Because every child has a right to adequate medical treatment and I want it to happen



2016-11-15 00:37

It's criminal that cf sufferers don't get this medication it transforms their shot lives. My daughter did see passed 16 yrs. no need for that now.



2016-11-15 08:26

My granddaughter molly is one of the 18 children that need this drug and they all deserve the chance of it



2016-11-15 10:11

i am signing in support of my niece



2016-11-15 10:12

For my 2 year old granddaughter
I aslo as recommended wrote to my MP who in avery polite long letter containing many excuses they advided this issue is absolutly nothing to do with the goverment at all and they are unable to help or get involved
Very disapointing when smokers drug adicts and obese people get medication and surgey with no questions asked and without having to justify the treatment they recieve
These people have chosen lifestyles which have caused their ill health children with CF have no choice in their condition but are denied life chaning drugs i find this appauling and unfair



2016-11-15 10:17

I have a colleague with a Child with CF aim the same position, he is eligible for Kalydeco but they are having to fight for it as he is under 5!



2016-11-15 10:38

For William my grandson



2016-11-15 11:05

Because its typical of this country and government the never pay out funds for what really matters except there own pockets



2016-11-15 11:40

I signed this petition because no one should be denied essential medication that can give them some sort of a better or normal life. As someone with numerous chronic illnesses I understand how important optimum treatment is and what it's like not to be able to live a normal life. If there is medication that can help a person or child nobody should have the right to intervene to prevent it being issued to the patient regardless of age.



2016-11-15 11:44

I signed this petition for all the children who really need this drug for their future health,my little cousin molly strahan who lives in Ireland desperately need this medication so come on people sign this and share as much as possible. Thank you



2016-11-15 11:56

Because I know a beautiful it the girl who needs this drug.



2016-11-15 12:34

My granddaughter has cf



2016-11-15 14:19

its so important that vital medicines are available to everyone!



2016-11-15 16:35

So many kids need this



2016-11-15 17:08

Hope they reach there target get as many people to sign the petition.I have a nephew with cf and hoping and praying that one day they will find a cure 



2016-11-15 18:12

This makes such a massive difference to all the children, including my Samuel



2016-11-15 19:35

My grandson 21 months has cf and needs this drug. The louder we shout the more we'll get heard! Goodluck to Chloe & william.



2016-11-15 23:28

To get the driug approved to save children's lives who have cf



2016-11-16 11:13

Our beautiful Chloe