Concerned residents of Providence Road Marietta GA

Dave Yucius

/ #40 Re: Official & Updated Information on Project

2011-03-10 20:50

#39: Joe Brywczynski - Official & Updated Information on Project 

 Joe B.-

Thank you for commenting.

I/we have been looking for much information, and would LOVE to have more from Wellstar.  In a recent meeting with a planning commissioner as well as an ECCA board member, I was left with far more unanswered questions than answered.  You might hear from this group (ECCA) and others that there are many community members who are as concerned about the lack of assurances and information at this point as the perceived risks from the project as a whole.

In fact, the genesis of this petition was born out of the lack of outreach and information to this point. 

We have noted your updates (3/7) to the website, but as a whole and given the EXTREME potential impact to us neighbors, it remains lacking.