Victims of Allen Stanford Fraud Petition the U.S. Government

Quoted post



2011-11-28 15:51

Ms. Burnell, attacking other victims' groups and misinforming innocent victims about signing your petition is really a disservice of your part . Petitions to governments are for citizens to make. Unfortunately your petition is not going anywhere. I know you will erase this comment because it does no suit your purposes and of the blind followers helping you. I feel sorry for you.


Catherine Burnell
The author of this petition

#38 Re:

2011-11-28 18:03:34

#37: -  

I am sorry that you do not agree with the petition  but it is the  prerogative of everyone to make their own decisions. 

I will not remove this comment because you are entitled to your opinions, just as I am entitled to disagree with them.  I suspect I know who you are and I am not attacking you or your group, it is you who chose to cause the victims to fractionalise which is no help to anyone.  I am trying to unit as many victims as possible and do whatever I can to help and assist.  If you find my actions threatening I am sorry, they are not directed towards you or any individual. 

I fail to understand how this petition can do anything but help International Victims.  If you can give me genuine constructive reasons for your concerns instead of just making wild allegations perhaps we can discuss them.  My email address is available and I invite you to write to me.  I always use my name, perhaps you would like to use yours.


#39 Re:

2011-11-28 22:51:58

#37: -  

 I don't understand your comments, this petition can only help international victims. It's statements are clear and precise and I see no misinformation in the petition.

It doesn't cost anything to sign this petition and this lady has never asked me or anyone I know for a dime. Perhaps instead of complaining you should  do something to help the international victims instead of causing division amongst the victims.