Most recent petitions in Denmark

  • Country: Denmark
  • Language: English

Protest Against Closing Down the Lukács Archive

11067 Created: 2016-03-08 Statistics

Will not be sweet to sign. For we respeter not cruelty to animals

763 Created: 2016-02-27 Statistics

Save the Rhythmic Music Degree!

1358 Created: 2016-02-25 Statistics

Open letter to the Prime Minister and the Government of the Republic of Poland

10527 Created: 2016-02-17 Statistics

we hate the new recepie for basset english winegums.

84 Created: 2016-02-12 Statistics

Impotriva eutanasierii dupa 14 zile la Adapost Public Moinesti

3199 Created: 2016-02-11 Statistics

Save teddy from being put down

8438 Created: 2016-02-06 Statistics

Repeal of TTIP

15 Created: 2016-01-31 Statistics

Devinov Zakon

3776 Created: 2016-01-28 Statistics

ROMANIA-NORWAY, jointly for the Bodnariu children

115037 Created: 2016-01-11 Statistics

Support Polish Democracy

20275 Created: 2016-01-08 Statistics

Reinstate Elvis' name on the "USS Arizona"

3564 Created: 2016-01-04 Statistics


31974 Created: 2015-12-31 Statistics

Við krefjumst þess að barnabæturnar verði ekki skertar!

3110 Created: 2015-12-29 Statistics

Áskorun til forseta íslands um að rjúfa alþingi

414 Created: 2015-12-23 Statistics

Investigate racist attacks as acts of terrorism

2219 Created: 2015-12-21 Statistics

Bialystok Deserves a Jewish Museum

810 Created: 2015-12-19 Statistics

Ólöf Nordal: Bjóðum albönsku fjölskyldunum til Íslands fyrir jól!

3834 Created: 2015-12-12 Statistics

Leiðréttið kjör öryrkja og aldraða fyrir áramót 2015-2016

2997 Created: 2015-12-10 Statistics

Krafa um afsögn Innanríkisráðherra.

6071 Created: 2015-12-10 Statistics