Most popular petitions in 2012

  • Language: English
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Stop Talvivaara/Terrafame mining disaster

Created: 2012-03-29 Statistics

Dog Dragged to Death

Created: 2012-04-23 Statistics

Stop the 16 March marches and Latvians revising history!

Created: 2012-01-21 Statistics

Freedom of Religion in Riverlea

Created: 2012-07-18 Statistics

End Unfair Electricity Authority of Cyprus Effective Monopoly

Created: 2012-02-07 Statistics

Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Created: 2011-12-29 Statistics

Support Hungary!

Created: 2012-02-02 Statistics

Peticija proti noveli Zakona o visokem šolstvu

Created: 2012-09-12 Statistics

Save Muarajambi

Created: 2012-02-09 Statistics

Pour les bonnes pratiques dans la prise en charge de l'autisme

Created: 2012-02-28 Statistics

Google Navigation in Serbia

Created: 2012-11-30 Statistics

respect roberto mancini

Created: 2012-04-07 Statistics

Women’s Studies at Åbo Akademi University in Finland under threat

Created: 2012-11-11 Statistics

RHCP In South America

Created: 2012-10-08 Statistics


Created: 2011-12-03 Statistics

Support Filipino Sign Language Act of 2012 - House Bill 6079

Created: 2012-10-20 Statistics

Chase Away SL Jihadists - රටේ ද්‍රෝහීන් පන්නන ජාතික පෙත්සම

Created: 2012-04-26 Statistics


Created: 2012-06-07 Statistics

Wattpad Mature Writers

Created: 2012-04-25 Statistics

La convention se déroulera les 11 et 12 mai 2013 à Bruxelles

Created: 2012-02-24 Statistics