Most popular petitions in 2017
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
We are against the Emergency Decree (OUG) no. 13/2017 that modifies the Penal Code
Created: 2017-02-02 Statistics
Petition against slaughter and export for slaughter of Polish horses
Created: 2017-01-30 Statistics
The white moose in Sweden is saved - no more names necessary on this petition
Created: 2017-11-13 Statistics
DSTV must remove ANN7
Created: 2017-03-30 Statistics
Free Winston.
Created: 2017-09-12 Statistics
Act against hatred - Soros posters in Budapest
Created: 2017-07-03 Statistics
Saving Hippodrome in Belgrade
Created: 2017-03-30 Statistics
Refunds of Orkambi in Poland - medicine for Cystic fibrosis
Created: 2017-04-13 Statistics
Save Bitsy & Floyd in Peterborough
Created: 2017-01-21 Statistics
درخواست تشکیل کمیته حقیقت یاب بین المللی فجایع حج ۹۴ (Multilingual)
Created: 2017-01-06 Statistics
Stop the attacks and banning of the Prophetic (unstunned) slaughter method
Created: 2016-09-06 Statistics
Support the Romanian Tax incentive law
Created: 2017-11-28 Statistics
Enough lies about the death of Magdalena Zuk!
Created: 2017-07-27 Statistics
Contre la démolition des pensions de l'enseignement / Tegen de afbraak van het onderwijspensioen
Created: 2017-12-03 Statistics
The University of Oulu Zoological Museum must be saved
Created: 2016-12-03 Statistics
Hillerød kommune in Denmark, return William to his loving mother Hermina and stop snatching children from their loving parents
Created: 2016-05-22 Statistics
Created: 2017-03-13 Statistics
Ban Fireworks-South Africa
Created: 2017-01-02 Statistics
Umsögn til Velferðarráðuneytis
Created: 2017-02-20 Statistics
NO to Ordo Iuris on Polish universities!
Created: 2017-03-10 Statistics