Most popular petitions in USA last 12 months
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2024) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Say yes to 130 ECTS credits in archaeology in the BA program at UiT!
Created: 2023-12-14 Statistics
Supporting Parental Choice in Catholic School
Created: 2023-09-13 Statistics
Exempt War Memorials from Kansas State Taxes
Created: 2023-05-03 Statistics
Including Antisemitism Awareness Training in Freshman Orientation
Created: 2023-02-23 Statistics
No through traffic in Smallwood from Sommerset Subdivision
Created: 2023-10-24 Statistics
Tax relief for seniors Jasper and Newton Counties, Missouri
Created: 2023-07-23 Statistics
Please sign this petition to impeach Biden and Harris
Created: 2021-06-23 Statistics
Declare the WEF and all Associates an International Terrorist Organization
Created: 2022-06-07 Statistics
Make Armored Mud Balls a State "Sedimentary Structure"
Created: 2021-03-03 Statistics
Cape to Cairo on Foot: World Record Attempt in Jeopardy in Ethiopia
Created: 2024-04-15 Statistics
Created: 2024-09-27 Statistics
Created: 2024-01-30 Statistics
Justice for Sanjiv Bhatt
Created: 2023-10-12 Statistics
Response to Teaneck Township Manager's communications regarding Israel
Created: 2023-10-09 Statistics
Created: 2024-05-10 Statistics
Adaptation of "Robber x Lover" into an Anime Series
Created: 2024-04-16 Statistics
The Community of Mvenyane & KwaBhaca Crying out Loud for the Ineffective Upgrading of District Road DR08017 from Cedarville R56(Kaka's hill) to N2 Mount Frere- kwaBhaca
Created: 2024-01-31 Statistics
petition to kronenwetter village from persons supporting those residents west of old 51 regarding blocked road access
Created: 2023-10-13 Statistics
Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Created: 2021-09-29 Statistics
Remove Bill Land From HOA President role.
Created: 2024-07-30 Statistics