Most popular petitions in USA in 2020
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Renovation of John A. Holmes HS Tennis Courts
Created: 2020-07-05 Statistics
Preserve the Montgomery County War Monument
Created: 2020-11-01 Statistics
Keep Salons Open
Created: 2020-11-06 Statistics
Amy "Biz" Dunn on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine
Created: 2020-08-13 Statistics
A Call for Action to Advance The Naturopathic Profession
Created: 2020-07-25 Statistics
Opposition to High Density Zoning in Oakdale
Created: 2020-10-18 Statistics
Sex offender reform California
Created: 2020-07-31 Statistics
Harris County Georgia Constitutional 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County
Created: 2020-02-26 Statistics
Help Bring Outdoor Dek Hockey to South Windsor
Created: 2020-10-10 Statistics
Breathe Life into Changes you want to see for our Children and Community
Created: 2020-01-13 Statistics
Chess Badge for Girl Scouts of America
Created: 2020-01-10 Statistics
Plowing of the Macomb Orchard Trail between 24 and 25 Mile Roads
Created: 2020-02-10 Statistics
International Treaty to Protect and Restore Mother Earth
Created: 2020-12-22 Statistics
Domestic violence women and men who have been abused and the abuser having rights to kids. After they clearly are not capable of controlling their anger and cant be trusted .
Created: 2020-08-03 Statistics
همسان سازی حقوق و تبدیل وضعیت پرسنل شرکتی وزارت بهداشت و درمان کل کشور
Created: 2020-03-02 Statistics
Addison Rae to be a Porn Star
Created: 2020-07-14 Statistics
Supporting the letter of the Lebanese people to the IMF
Created: 2020-05-28 Statistics
Laity Against Locking Down in Indiana
Created: 2020-12-14 Statistics
Resume neighborhood patrols -- bring back Community Crime Patrol by restoring OSU funding
Created: 2020-10-12 Statistics
Join #SocialDistancingSTANpaign and help stop the spread of CORONAVIRUS
Created: 2020-03-16 Statistics