Most popular petitions in Norway in 2015

  • Country: Norway
  • Language: English
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2024) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

The right to regain health! Reject the verdict from Borgarting Court of Appeal!

Created: 2014-12-18 Statistics

Get back bus-routes and prices in Trøndelag

Created: 2014-11-03 Statistics

Petition against the vitamin ban

Created: 2015-10-14 Statistics

Petition for saving Børselv school and Solbrått old people’s home

Created: 2015-05-28 Statistics

Protect Berger Forest

Created: 2015-03-26 Statistics


Created: 2015-10-26 Statistics

Save Esbjerg Ensemble

Created: 2015-09-03 Statistics

Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا

Created: 2015-09-28 Statistics

Krafa um afsögn Innanríkisráðherra.

Created: 2015-12-10 Statistics

We want to travel with our 8/9 weeks old pedigree-puppies

Created: 2015-01-09 Statistics

Beskyt Graceland Randers Navnet!

Created: 2015-09-04 Statistics

Save Ale Vikinghomestead

Created: 2015-03-30 Statistics Star Danish Commission study

Created: 2015-10-24 Statistics

Ólöf Nordal: Bjóðum albönsku fjölskyldunum til Íslands fyrir jól!

Created: 2015-12-12 Statistics

No more cuts - Develop Europe’s long-distance rail!

Created: 2015-05-09 Statistics

We need Pat Partington

Created: 2015-05-06 Statistics

Áskorun til Forseta Íslands skv. 24 greininni. Fella ríkisstjórn

Created: 2015-05-25 Statistics

Save Mateo Kovacic!

Created: 2015-06-06 Statistics

No more Thyroid Madness

Created: 2013-11-11 Statistics

Leiðréttið kjör öryrkja og aldraða fyrir áramót 2015-2016

Created: 2015-12-10 Statistics