Most popular petitions in Norway in 2017

  • Country: Norway
  • Language: English
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

Strengthen the rights of DKS performers

Created: 2017-09-05 Statistics

Stop the planned implementation of HOFO on the Norwegian Continental Shelf

Created: 2016-09-12 Statistics

The white moose in Sweden is saved - no more names necessary on this petition

Created: 2017-11-13 Statistics

Let Eugene stay in Norway

Created: 2017-01-16 Statistics

Kenni Hyldahl

Created: 2017-01-28 Statistics

We are against the Emergency Decree (OUG) no. 13/2017 that modifies the Penal Code

Created: 2017-02-02 Statistics

Stop the extinction of wolves in Norway!

Created: 2016-05-22 Statistics

No to the commersial exploitation of the Norwegian Glacier and Nature-pearl Svartisen (The black Ice) for the production of ice cubes

Created: 2017-12-26 Statistics

Grant film director Mohamed Jabaly a work visa

Created: 2016-12-20 Statistics

Petition against slaughter and export for slaughter of Polish horses

Created: 2017-01-30 Statistics

Protect Berger Forest

Created: 2015-03-26 Statistics

Permanent förbud mot fällfångst som jaktmetod för lodjur.

Created: 2017-01-13 Statistics

No more Thyroid Madness

Created: 2013-11-11 Statistics

Rannsókn á einkavæðingu

Created: 2017-03-29 Statistics

Enough lies about the death of Magdalena Zuk!

Created: 2017-07-27 Statistics

Áskorun til Ríkisstjórnar Íslands vegna efnavopnaárasar á Khan Sheikhoun í Idlib

Created: 2017-04-04 Statistics

Save Nuntii Latini, the world’s only weekly Latin language news broadcast!

Created: 2017-11-24 Statistics

Refunds of Orkambi in Poland - medicine for Cystic fibrosis

Created: 2017-04-13 Statistics

Petition urging FISA to preserve lightweight rowing

Created: 2016-10-19 Statistics


Created: 2014-11-02 Statistics